Why Cole Is Obsessed With Cake

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Author's Note: This head cannon is really sad

I'm just going to go straight into the head cannon.

The reason Cole is obsessed with cake is because it reminds him of Lilly.

When Lilly was alive she would always make him cakes. For birthdays, Christmas, other celebrations, even as a reward.

And when she passed all he could think about were the memories they had together and most of those memories included cake.

Soon he started eating cake just so he could relive those memories. Eventually it became an obsession.

He would eat at least 2 cakes a day. Not slices. Entire cakes.

Eventually Lou began to notice and tried to ban Cole from cake.

This did not end well for Lou.

Cole didn't just get upset he also attacked Lou, cried a LOT, and called him a horrible father. By the end of it Lou had several cuts, a black eye, a hurt ego, and several broken bones.

The lesson: Don't get between Cole and cake.

After that little incident Lou never mentioned Cole's cake obsession again.

Eventually Cole started to get better and now he only eats 2 cakes a week.

Ps: Cole no longer eats cake to relive those memories. He's still obsessed with them because of that though.

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