The Ninja's Worst Season

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Jay: Hunted ( He was insane )

Lloyd: Hunted ( This is ironic because his best season is the one before it but he just gives up and that's just really annoying. He only gets better near the end and for most of this season he acts sort of depressed and I get why just really? Why did he have to act so depressed )

Zane: The Scrolls Of Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Ice Chapter ( He turned evil that's really the only reason this is his worst season )

Nya: Rebooted ( Once again the stupid love triangle made them all act stupid and I just hated how she couldn't make a choice )

Kai: The Scrolls Of Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Fire Chapter ( He just acted super weak and that was really annoying )

Cole: Rebooted ( I hated the stupid love triangle and it made Cole act rude and stupid )

Author's Note: I didn't count The Quest For The Lost Powers as a season since it's a book. But if I did count it as a season then THAT would be Kai's worst season because he is very annoying and rude.

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