My Sick Ninja Head Cannons Part 1: How They act When They Are Sick

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Author's Note: This is part 1 of my sick ninja head cannons there are going to be multiple parts. This part is about how they act when they are sick.

Jay: Like a little baby he is constantly whining and begging Nya to hang out with him

Lloyd: Pretends to not be sick, fails, acts like how a little kid acts when their sick.

Zane: Like a broken record.

Nya: Pretends not to be sick, ninja tell her she's sick, denies, threatens to attack them if they force her to stay in bed

Kai: Pretends not to be sick, Nya forces him to stay in bed, complains the entire time and acts super grumpy

Cole: Is chill and is either sleeping or eating cake after eating cake vomits entire thing up eats more cake and the cycle continues

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