My Sick Ninja Head Cannons Part 4: The Most Sick They Have Been

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Author's Note: This is part 4 of my sick ninja head cannons. I recommend reading parts 1 through 3. This is the worst amount of sick they have ever got.

Jay: He was once so sick that every time he sneezed the power would go out and they quarantined him he wasn't even allowed to see Nya. He cried the entire time about how he couldn't hang out with Nya.

Lloyd: One time he got so bad that he thought Nya was Harumi. Nya was so annoyed but at the same time felt sorry for him. during that time he accidently burnt 30 of Wu's scrolls, caused 50 earth quakes, and 100 power outages. He also had a temperature of 900,000,000,000,000,000,000 but said he was as cold as mount Everest. He would vomit everything he ate and was asleep 80 percent of the time.

Zane: One time he got a virus and started talking backwards but Nya soon fixed it.

Nya: Once she couldn't hide it and had to actually stay in bed. She didn't mind though as Jay managed to sneak into her room without Kai knowing and they talked the entire time.

Kai: He once refused to eat anything because he was afraid he would vomit but pretended he just wasn't hungry eventually Nya found out because he was running a fever of 900,000,000,000,000,000,000 and he actually said he was hot that's how bad it was he actually felt hot. During this time they had to go somewhere cold so that Kai didn't accidently set fire to the monastery with one of his fire sneezes.

Cole: He once had such bad nausea he couldn't eat cake. During that time he caused 100 earth quakes.

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