The Ninja's Mental Problems

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Jay: Low Self Esteem ( I headcannon he was made fun of a lot for living in a junk yard as a kid  )Anxiety ( He freaks out way too much. Like if something goes slightly wrong he freaks out ) PTSD ( This is because of Skybound )

Lloyd: Trust Issues (This is cannon. He literally said that he was not going to trust people. Thanks, Harumi ) Mild Anger Issues ( He got angry quite easily in Crystalized ) Slight Anxiety ( After everything that's happened to him it just makes sense. Yes, I know this isn't really a reason. I don't have any other reason for it though ) Low Self Esteem ( This is because of all of the bullying at Darkly's ) Abandonment Issues ( This is Misako's fault ) PTSD ( He has many reasons to have PTSD but I'm only going to name one. Possession )

Zane: PTSD ( The Ice Emperor. Nothing else has to be said. Oh and also he LITERALLY died. If that didn't give him PTSD nothing will )

Nya: Anger Issues ( She gets angry quite easily ) Abandonment Issues ( Her parents disappeared when she was three ) PTSD ( This is because of Skybound )

Kai: Anger Issues ( He is usually mad ) Abandonment Issues ( Same reason as Nya ) Mild PTSD ( From when he held The Staff Of Elements ) Low self esteem ( He probably thought that his parents "left" because he wasn't good enough )

Cole: PTSD ( He almost died once and he became a ghost )

Author's Note: Am I the only one who doesn't think that Jay has ADHD? Also these are just my assumptions, and I don't know much about these mental problems. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if I do.

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