Lloyd Has A Diary ( Slight Llorumi )

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Author's Note: There will be some slight Llorumi in this head cannon

I head cannon that Lloyd writes in a dairy for a number of reasons

1 The amount of venting he did in The scrolls of forbidden spinjitzu: The ice chapter just shows how much he needs to vent so after he explained the entire thing to Wu, Wu forced him to start writing in a dairy so that he doesn't end up talking to anymore dogs.

2 It's something that is cute . Him writing in a dairy for hours is just SO cute

3 it gives me the excuse to show just how much of a rude brother Kai is. He'll just read Lloyd's diary for fun without Lloyd's consent and even read it aloud to the ninja sometimes which is super embarrassing for Lloyd.

Ok. Here's the Llorumi part. During the anniversary of the day Lloyd and Harumi first met Lloyd draws TONS of pictures of what their life would've been like if Harumi had a heart. From them holding hands to their wedding. He's still obsessed with her. Ps: I think he's a sorta decent artist.

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