Why Nya Changed Her Look

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I refuse to believe that their looks changed because of time travel. Their the only ones who look different. The real reason they all changed their looks was because they grew up.

Now that wasn't the actual head cannon. I just wanted to say that before I actually said the head cannon.

The head cannon is that the reason Nya changed her look was because she was tired of looking like Dalara.

Every time she looked in the mirror she was reminded of the events of Skybound. Eventually all she would see was the lady that dated the man that caused all that pain.

She couldn't take it anymore and decided to change it up. She went as far as to put on makeup and change her hairstyle which she didn't usually do.

When the ninja saw her new look they were all shocked.

Nya had explained it to Jay but no one else ( For obvious reasons ) so everyone else was shocked.

Eventually they all got used to it and by Sons Of Garmadon it was their new normal.

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