The Ninja's Voicemails Greetings

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Jay: "Sorry I'm busy fighting a giant crab at the moment and can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep."

Lloyd: "This is Lloyd Garmadon. I'm busy at the moment, so if you're my dad or the nosy reporters who won't leave me alone press 1. If you're my mom press 2. If you're the ninja or sensei Wu press 3. If you're someone I don't know press 4. And don't press 5."

If you press 1:

*Hangs up*

If you press 2:

"Love you mom, sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Please understand that I'm probably saving the world right now, and don't mean to be rude. Also sorry for forgetting mother's day, your birthday, and you and dad's anniversary, but at least I remembered the rest, which is more than you did. All you did was leave me at a boarding school where I was miserable, and never even bothered to send a birthday card!" *Lloyd takes deep breath* "Sorry, I freaked out there. Still love you. Please leave a message at the beep."

If you press 3:

"Hey guys, sorry but either I'm busy, sensei Wu's taken my phone, or I'm vomiting because I ate to much candy, so I can't come to the phone right now. Please understand that I'm not trying to ignore you and will call you back. Please leave a message at the beep. Also buy me some candy even if I'm vomiting because I ate to much candy that just means I ate a lot of candy which means I need more."

If you press 4:

"It is I, the green ninja. I am sorry that I can't call you back right now, but you are welcome to leave a message at the beep."

If you press 5:

"You pressed 5. Congratulations! Your prize is you get to listen to me sing This Girl Is On Fire. This was a dare." *Lloyd sings This Girl Is On Fire* "You actually listened to me sing This Girl Is On Fire. Congratulations! You win another prize. That prize is you get to listen to a recording of Kai singing This Girl Is On Fire!" *Lloyd whispers " This is revenge for the dare " * *Lloyd plays recording of Kai singing This Girl Is On Fire* "Now I gotta go before Kai finds out about this. Bye!"

Zane: "This is Zane Julien, son of Dr. Julien, titanium ninja, master of ice, future husband to Pixal Borg. I can not come to the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep."

Nya: "This is Nya. I'm busy at the moment so if you're Kai then please stop calling me. I'm fine you don't need to worry. If you're Jay then press 1. If you're the ninja calling because they did something stupid and need help then press 2. And if you're anyone else then please text me. I don't listen to any of my voicemails."

If you press 1:

"Jay, please stop calling me. I already told you when our next date was. If you're really worried then text me, but please no more calling me. It's getting really annoying."

If you press 2:

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you guys at the moment. Here's some advice that will help. 1 don't listen to Kai or Jay they'll only make things worse. 2 listen to Zane he's the only one who is actually sane and will be able to help you guys. 3 if Zane isn't there than listen to Lloyd because he at least has some common sense, but don't listen to him all the time because sometimes he loses all common sense. Like that one time he gave Cole water when he was a ghost. 4 don't panic, panicking only makes it worse. Remember that I'll be there to help soon. Bye."

Kai: "This is Kai. If you're Nya the please, please, please, tell me what's wrong immediately, so that I may help you. If you're Skylor then I just have 1 question for you. Are you free tonight, because I would really enjoy going to dinner with you. Actually forget I said that. Just leave a message. If you're anyone else then hang up and understand that the reason I didn't answer was because I didn't want to talk to you."

Cole: "This is Cole. Sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now I'm busy fixing a problem that Jay made. Not me. Jay. I am not the one making the problems. Please leave a message at the beep."

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