Chapter 9 "I Told You So"

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She gave him the dirtiest look that had ever crossed her face. He went to reach for her badge, but she stepped back."Like hell I will!"

"Detective, you and Shay are under investigation."

"I think you need your hearing checked."

"Both of you need to hand over your badges."

"The day I hand my badge over to you, is the day Trudy Platt starts being nice to me."

"Hand me your badge."

"Let's go, Shay."

"Kim...maybe we should do what he says."

"He's got no right going around accusing innocent people!"

"I was only told to question you both. You two were the last people to see Wendy Peterson alive."

"That doesn't mean we killed her. Would you mind showing me the evidence you gathered?"

"You don't have the clearances to see it."

"I have every right to see the evidence."

"You don't when you're a suspect in the murder."

"He's right." Leslie said.


Kim grabbed Belden by the jacket sleeve, dragging him into the other room.

"You see this device right here? Fingerprint us. You will not find our prints on the murder weapon."

He took their prints and as it turns out, Kim and Leslie's didn't match the ones on the weapon.

"Who's the idiot now?" She gave a satisfactory smile.

"I'm gonna kick you both off the suspect list. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."

"The next dead body they find better be yours."

He gathered up his things. "Threaten me one more time? It's going in your record."

"If you don't get out of my office, I'm gonna report YOU for harassing my unit."

"Nice try, Voight."

"I mean it."

Belden gathered up his things and left.

"I'm sorry you two had to put up with that. He and I have never gotten along."

"I don't know why he can't just leave us alone."

"He never knows when to give up. You're both cleared as suspects, so nothing to worry about now."

"For now."

"Can I step out? I need to go pick up Ember from pre school." Leslie asked him.

"Yeah sure, go ahead. Take Kim with you."

As they were walking down to Leslie's car, Kim was beginning to worry.

"I thought she didn't get out for another hour?"

"She gets out now, but with a crazed murderer maniac running free? I can't let her out of my sight for a minute."

When they got there, Leslie went over to Ember's cubby and gathered her things.

"Where's my child?" She started shaking.

No one was inside, which meant that they were probably on the playground.

"She's out here." One of the teachers said.

They scanned the playground and she wasn't anywhere in sight. Kim looked up, noticing the hill on the other side of the fence dipped. As she went to turn back, something caught her eye. "What color was her jacket?"

"Light purple with sparkles on it, why?"

Kim hopped the fence and tripped running down the hill. She landed halfway into the river, but managed to pull herself up. The thing she noticed was Ember. She rolled Ember over and discovered her face was all scratched up.

Kim handed her to Leslie and went after the teacher. "She slipped and fell through that hole under the fence! She could've died and you weren't even watching her!"

"I'm not in charge of these kids. I'm watching them for their teacher while she's in the bathroom. If I had heard the kid, I would've run for her. I heard nothing."

The teacher came out to the playground. Leslie passed off Ember back to Kim.

"She was down there, freezing to death by that river. How did you not hear her cries and screams?! You selfish piece of-"

"Leslie." Kim pointed out the kids.

"I'm reporting you to child protective services. You're gonna lose your license and get shut down. Have fun paying those bills."

"Your child shouldn't have been playing near the fence. I told her not to."

"She's three years old! You should be watching her like a hawk! You could go to jail for this and I really hope you do."

"I'll call the cops if you say things like that to me again."

"You're gonna call me? Yeah, that's REAL smart. NOT."

"Get off my property."

"Not until you fork over the money I put into sending my kid here."

She handed Leslie the money she had paid for that month's care.

"I want every penny back that I've spent on this piece of shit daycare."

"You're not getting it."

As they went to go inside, some little kid screamed "Watch out!" and gunshots filled the air.

Once they ceased, everyone stood back up. Five kids were hit.

"EMBER!" Leslie yelled.

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