Chapter 10 "Hanging On By a Moment"

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They called an ambulance and raced to the hospital. "Age?" The doctor said, running alongside the gurney that was carrying Ember.

"Three year old female. Struck on the playground by a stray bullet. Blood loss is heavy."


Leslie was curled up in the fetal position on the floor, rocking back and forth. "This isn't happening. This isn't happening."

Megan sat next to her. "Cheer up."

"My daughter was just gunned down! At a preschool! What if I hadn't gone there..."

"Don't work yourself up about this."

"How can I stay calm?!"

"I'm only trying to help."

"I don't need it!"

Gabby sat on the floor next to her. "Stressing out isn't going to help."

"Do have any idea what I'm feeling right now?"

"My daughter was in a car accident last week. I thought she was dead. It's a scary thing having our children out in the world. We can't control what happens to them."

"Stop trying to go all philosophical on me. It's not helping."


Leslie stood up. "All of you need to STOP!"

"They're just trying to help you."

"Kelly, unless you're trying to major in therapy, stop. Our daughter is in there fighting for her life!"

She found the OR she was in, and placed her hand against the window. She caught a glimpse of the bloody tools on the tray.

"Oh god..."

She got lightheaded and fell to the ground. Several hours later, she awoke with a bandage on her head. "What happened?"

"You fell and hit your head." Hermann said, turning the page in the newspaper he was reading.

"Is Ember okay?"

A minute later, Kelly walked in carrying her. The first thing Leslie noticed was a bandage wrapping around her entire chest.

"The bullet only grazed her. Fragments were left in her skin, so they had to remove those. Other than that, she's fine."

He handed her to Leslie and she held her against her chest. "Mommy's here. Don't cry."

Kelly went to say something, but he held back.

"What were you going to say?"


"I think I have a feeling."

"I'm not comfortable saying it."

"Say it if you want."

He rubbed Ember's back. "Daddy's here too."

She smiled up at him and he smiled too.

The next day, Kim and Adam switched places with Harley and Sean.

"This is crap." Kim complained while she put her patrol uniform on.

"It'll be just like old times." Adam nudged her.

"I worked so hard to get into Intelligence and they demote me." She said, throwing her jacket into her locker.

"It's only one day, calm yourself." He said, taking his shirt off to change it.

"I like this view."

"We are not having sex in the locker room. Remember what happened the last time we tried that?"

"Atwater caught us and kicked your ass."

"I'd rather not have that happen again. Let's keep it professional."

She grabbed his arm, pulling him to the corner of the locker room.

"Stop it."

"I don't wanna."

"The kids will be at Nadia's tonight. We can do what ever we want then."

"Where's my kiss?" She smirked.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her close, kissing her. The sound of someone clearing their throat could be heard. They looked behind them to see Kevin in the doorway.

"This is the locker room, not the sex club."

Their faces were red as they raced to get dressed. They ran up the stairs and over to Platt's desk.

"Are you gonna give us the smelly car? Like the time when Atwater and I ruined the new squad car?"

"I gave that one to Garcia because he was late to work."

The three of them laughed, but the second Camille came in the room, they shut up. Her expression turned into a scowl as she graced by them into her office.

"I bet you I know why she's such a tightwad."

They leaned closer to hear what she had to say.

"Hank hasn't touched her in months. He's been doing it with Olivia every night."

"Is she cool with him seeing Olivia and all?"

"I don't think she knows. You two hear about their divorce?"

"Why did they get one?"

"They're still living together though."

"I would've thought she moved out."

"I thought the same."

"Get your butts out of here before I put you both on crossing guard duty."

"We had enough of that when Adam joined the unit. Remember how cocky he was about being skipped over on patrol? I don't want a repeat of that. Let's go."

They parked down by Lakeshore Elementary School.

"The kids will be walking to school in about ten minutes. Please, behave."

"Me? Behave? Look who's talking Ms. I Dance On Crosswalks."

"Don't act like you weren't staring at my ass that day."

"I may have glanced at it for a minute or two."

"I told you so."


"We are not having a conversation about my backside. Hush up, the kids are coming." She said, taking the sign out of the trunk.

Kids started coming in small groups. When Hannah spotted her mother, she ran over to her and was picked up in a hug.

"Hi baby girl." She kissed the top of her head.

"Guys, this is my mommy the cop. I told you I wasn't lying."

"And what about me, missy?" Adam asked, coming over to them.

"This is my daddy, he's a cop too. They got guns and everything."

"Do you have handcuffs?" A little boy asked.

"Yes we do." Kim took the handcuffs off her belt and showed the kids.

"Don't forget, we have a field trip to the place where they work today."

"Where's your brother?"

"He's walking with his friends. They're too cool to walk with girls."

They laughed.

"Make sure he gets to school in one piece. Please?" Adam asked.

"No promises daddy." She smiled before heading into the school.

#2 Our City, Our Rules (A Chicago P.D./Chicago Fire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now