Chapter 32 "Jonah Says Goodbye"

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A few weeks later, Jonah was sitting in headquarters cabin, when his phone rang.

"Halstead, we need you."

"What? Now? I'm only halfway through my counselor session."

"Are you ready?"

He took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll be there and ready."

He hung up the phone and looked at the pictures hanging up in his room. It was going to kill him to break the news to his parents, but he had to do it one way or the other. Brayden knocked on the door and was let in.

"Are you okay? You look sad."

"Remember that conversation we had a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah, a little. Why?"

"Well bud, I got the call."

"Call? What call?"

"The call."


"I enlisted before camp and I just got the call. They need me."

"What?! You can't go!"

"I have too, bud. I made a promise to my country."

"What is everyone going to say?"

"I really don't know."

"Are you gonna tell your sister?"

"I don't know if I should, she's already battling drug abuse in rehab."

"She's gonna want to know why you're disappearing for however many years. When you get out there, there is really no telling when you'll come back. Or even if you'll come back at all."

"I know. I just...I don't know how to tell her. Should I just wait until I get out there and say something?"

"No. You have to tell her, Hank, Olivia, Erin and Jay. You can't keep this a secret. Keeping secrets isn't good. No matter how bad it is, you need to tell them."

"Who should I tell first?"

"Your mother. She's gonna take it the hardest, but it's better to tell her now so she can let it sink in."

"I guess you're probably right. Go play some sports, bud. I'll take later."

"Okay." Brayden turned around and took off out the door.

Jonah picked up the phone, found Erin's name and pressed send.

She was startled by the ring, but answered her phone. "Hey! How's camp?"

"It's going good."

"That's great! Not much has happened here. Your father tripped trying to run down the stairs."

They laughed.

"Mom, can I tell you something?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"You know how I enlisted on my eighteenth birthday?"

"Yeah I do."


"Don't tell me what I think you're gonna tell me. Don't."

"Mom, I got the call. I'm going out there."

"What?!" She wanted to throw her phone across the room.

"They need me out there, mom."

"They can't take you!" She threw the phone and ran out crying.

#2 Our City, Our Rules (A Chicago P.D./Chicago Fire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now