Chapter 11 "Memories and Stephanie Tells the Truth"

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An hour later, they called the school and Brayden still hadn't shown up. His friends hadn't been heard from either. Kim snuck out and decided on doing a search herself. She started at Nadia's house, the starting point of where they walked to school. She was about to go back to the district, when she spotted something a couple streets up from the school. It took only a minute for her to realize it was Brayden. He wasn't moving, so she parked the car and ran to him. His backpack was ten feet away from him, he had a bloody nose and looked beaten up. She picked him up.


"What happened, buddy?"

"These kids beat me up. They said cops are bad."

"Why would they beat you up because of that?"

"I told them you and daddy were cops. They said you were bad people and beat me up."

She grabbed his backpack and carried him back to the car. "You're coming with me."

"Where are we going?"

"The doctors."

"I don't want them to say I have a broken arm or leg. If I do, I can't play soccer this summer!"

"You don't look like you have anything broken, but I still want you to get checked out."


"Brayden, you are going to the doctors and that is final. Do you hear me?"

His head sulked down. "Yes mommy."

He had a broken nose, but that was the extent of his injuries.

"I saw the doctor. I can go to school now."

"I don't think so. You're staying home today."

"But mommy-"

"I said you are staying home today and that's final."

"I don't want to."

"Then you're coming back to the station and Platt will babysit you all day."

"Why can't daddy do it?"

"He's on patrol."

"I think I'll go home."

She laughed. "Your auntie Stephy has the day off today, I'm sure she'd be happy to watch you."

"She gives me candy after meals, unlike you and daddy." He whispered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." He smiled.

While they were waiting for Stephanie to get there, she checked the mail. Inside the mailbox were two registration forms for Camp Riverwalk.

"I haven't seen one of these in years."

"What's that letter say?"

"How would you like to go to summer camp this year?"


"This camp has a special meaning to daddy and I."

"How?" He wondered.

"This was the place we met, all those years ago."


"Yeah it is." She smiled. "The first day, we'll show you the list of names from the summer we attended."

"I can't wait!"

She looked out the window and Stephanie had pulled in. She could tell it was her by the loud blaring of Justin Timberlake coming from the speakers. She came in, taking her sunglasses off and tossing her keys in the dish.

"Kim, can I tell you something?"

"Brayden, go watch cartoons or something."

"Okay mommy!" Brayden said, hoping off the chair and running off.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure if I should tell you."

"Out with it, already."

"I know who killed Wendy."


"And I know who tried shooting up the daycare."


She took Kim in another room. "You need to swear on your life, that you didn't get this from me."

"I'll name you as an anonymous source."

"You promise not to tell?"

"Out with it before I lose my patience!"

"I did it."

"What?! WHY?!"

"I was sick of her harassing you and Adam. She wouldn't stop. Someone had to put a stop to it, or it would've kept happening. I took one of my old trophies from gymnastics and went to her house. I knocked on the door and when she answered, I hit her in the head. I kept beating her until she stopped fighting me."

"You could go to prison for this!"

"I just didn't want her around anymore. You and Adam belong together. She wasn't going to until she got what she wanted. I had to teach her a lesson."

"I'm gonna have to arrest you for this."

"I deserve it." She held her arms out.

Kim pulled out her handcuffs and placed them on Stephanie.

"Stephanie Burgess, you are under arrest for the murder of Wendy Peterson. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do and say will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?"

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