Nothing's Gonna Happen...

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Eddie's POV

'Sam is a fucking badass!' I think after I've had time to check on the kids and make sure Wayne wasn't hurt.

"Look, my mom and brother are gone. You guys can stay with me." Sam says as the boys argue over where Max should stay tonight.

"All of us?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah. That guy obviously knows where Eddie lives, it's not safe to stay there if he comes back." She says then rolls her eyes as Dustin grimaces when he keeps tipping his head back, pinching his nose, then releasing again.

"Thanks." Max mutters and Lucas follows her inside to grab a few things.

"Stop doing that. Head forward a little and quit checking it, keep it pinched." She tells Dustin and moves his head.

"Everyone says you should tip your head back." He argues as he keeps the position she put him in.

"Great advice until you choke on some blood or swallow enough to irritate your stomach." She replies and sets her sights on me.

"I'm fine." I say as she walks over, Mike and Dustin whisper to each other as they watch.

"Just hold still." She says as she looks over my face then hands.

She's being way more gentle than I've ever seen her. She actually looks like under her stoicism she might be worried.

"You know, you're getting dangerously close to girlfriend territory." I say with a grin as she carefully dabs my knuckles with her shirt.

A small smile replaces the stony exterior she's had.

"Ow." I involuntarily say as she wipes the blood from the cut on my lip with her thumb.

"Don't be a baby." She says then gently kisses it.

"What the fuck!? When the hell did this happen!?" Dustin asks excitedly, making me smile.

He must have been too distracted when he found us to really register what we were doing. Which is good for me cause I was damn near ready to fuck her right there when she asked and I don't need him seeing that every time he looks at me.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I reprimand him.

"Seriously, what happened?" Mike asks.

"What's going on?" Lucas asks as he and Max emerge from the trailer.

"They kissed!" Dustin exclaims.

"What!? When did you guys get together!?" Lucas asks.

"Where's your uncle?" Max asks, giving me a reprieve from the other questions.

"He went in to call your mom and try Hopper again. You ok?"

"Fine. I just wanted to say thanks." She says and I'm a little surprised when she half hugs me before trudging to my trailer.

Sam's POV

'How is it possible to find him more attractive? That tone he used. The way he took that hit. He should not look this good bloody and bruised. I probably would have let him fuck me out there when I asked if that kid hadn't interrupted.' You think as you keep glancing at Eddie while everyone watches tv, sprawled out in your trailer.

You remade your mom's bed for Max and the small pullout sofa for the boys to argue over.

"Night." Max says as she gets up from the floor. "Thanks again for letting me stay here tonight."

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