Girlfriends & Boyfriends

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Sam's POV

Ugh, you're such an idiot. You shouldn't have said anything. This is why you follow your fucking rules.

"Everything ok?" Steve comes out and asks.


"He's a great guy but he can be a dummy sometimes." Steve says, making you chuckle a little at the unexpected sentiment.

You offer him a cigarette. He declines but takes the offer as an ok to continue and sits next to you on the steps.

"He really likes you. Hell, he even asked my advice which he hates doing."

You just offer a small head nod.

"Look, he doesn't really do the whole relationship thing either. I don't know what he said but he's really trying to do things right." He tells you.

"What do you mean he doesn't do the whole relationship thing?"

"He's had girlfriends and stuff but not the whole actually trying, wanting to really be with someone, relationship." Steve tells you.


"If you really aren't interested in him then I think not going forward is the right call. He doesn't deserve to get jerked around."

"I'm interested. I wouldn't have asked him out if I wasn't, that's not exactly something I do. And I'm not trying to jerk him around." You answer honestly.

"What's the problem then?"

"How the hell am I supposed to promise some commitment when we haven't even been on a date? I can't act like shit isn't just temporary cause it is. Everything is."

Steve takes a moment before answering.
"You know he's not asking you to marry him or something, right? He just wants to know that if he puts himself out there you're going to give things a chance."

"I know."

"I know he seems really outgoing and like he doesn't care but he does. Don't tell him I told you, but he can act tough and scary but he's a softy. Just drop it now if you can't actually give things a real shot." Steve advises, clearly trying to help and protect his friend.

Fuck, he's right. He just wants to know I'm actually going to try.

You let out a frustrated sigh with a puff of smoke.

"I'm the idiot, aren't I?" You ask Steve and he smiles a little.

"Kinda." He says.


You snub out your cigarette and get up.

"Um, thanks." You say to Steve.

Maybe having friends isn't all that bad.

He just nods and follows you in where you run right into Eddie.

Eddie's POV

"Shit, sorry." I tell Sam when she walks into me.

Mysteries Unraveled: Rules Broken, Hearts AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now