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Sam's POV

"What the hell is your problem!?" You scream at Eddie when you get outside.

"My problem? What the hell is my problem?" He asks back. "What the hell is your problem, Sam? Working at this fucking place!"

"I told you what I do when we got together." You tell him.

"Well obviously I was confused!" He yells with frustration.

"And that's my fault!?"

"Oh, I'm sorry if I didn't want to think my girlfriend was."

"Was what?" You ask through gritted teeth when he stops.

"You're a stripper."

"I am. I'm not ashamed of that, Eddie. I asked you if this was a problem for you."

"But I clearly didn't understand. You really thought I was cool with this? With you just getting naked for strange men!?"

"Yeah, actually, I did. And I don't get naked."

Don't cry. Don't cry, Sam. He's just upset. You should have been clearer.

"Well, I'm not! I'm not ok with you being a fucking whore!" He yells angrily at you.

"Hey!" Steve yells for you.

"Go home, Eddie." You say quietly as you start to cry.

"I'm sorry, Sam, but, what else am I supposed to think?" He asks quieter.

That wasn't an apology for calling you that. He really thinks you're a whore.

"Think whatever you want, but I was never dishonest with you. I've never cheated on you and I sure as hell don't sleep with anybody for money."

"And I'm just supposed to believe that? Your mom. Chance. They were right."

His words are like a dagger to your heart. Not even a dagger, that would be too clean a cut. He's reaching in with his bare fucking hands and ripping it from your chest.

"We're done. You shouldn't have a problem finding another guy to fill your fucking time." He finishes.

"Eddie." You whisper.

"No. Go back to your 'job'." He says and walks away.

"I'll talk to him." Steve says with a sad look of uncertainty and follows Eddie.

You weren't expecting any of that. The way the words came from him. 'Whore.' 'Your mom. Chance. They were right.' The words came out so vile. So venomous. He's never talked to you like that. Never made you feel so small and terrible.

"Come on, Sam." Mark says softly from behind you as you look to where Eddie is speeding away.

Jax takes his jacket off and drapes it around you when you don't move.

"Miss Cherry?" Jax asks.

You finally let out the sob you'd been holding back.

"Uh, Sam?" Mark asks, unsure of what to do.

Pull it together, Sam. You're at work.

You wipe your tears but cry harder as you look at your makeup now smeared up your arm.

"Fuck!" You yell a little, exasperated at the entire situation.

"Why don't we get you home?" Mark asks and leads you around the building so you don't have to walk through the floor.

"Everything ok?" Candy asks as you come in.

"Miss Cherry's boyfriend." Jax says and you hand him his jacket back.

Mysteries Unraveled: Rules Broken, Hearts AwokenWhere stories live. Discover now