The Invasion

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Eddie's POV

I didn't want to leave Sam. She was so upset about Danny. Not to mention that asshole her mom brought home. I stuck around outside until I knew he was gone. Something just doesn't feel right about that guy.

Sam's got to get out of there, no wonder she shuts herself off.

She could have told me about Danny.

Shit. I should have moved our date so she could spend as much time with him as possible before he goes. Damn it.

"How'd it go?" Steve asks as he sits up on the couch.

I knew he was there cause his car was outside but I still jump at his voice, lost in thought.

"Uh, good."

"Good. That's all I get? Did she like the flowers? The movies? You get that dessert to go?"

"Yes to all of it. She loved it."

"Why the face then?" He asks.

"I should have picked a different day, done something shorter tonight."

"I thought you said she loved it." Steve says, confused.

I explain about what happened when I took her home.

"What's her job?" He asks.

"I don't know, I think she's embarrassed about it."

"Is it possible her mom is right?"


"I mean, I know you like her and all but how well do you really know her? It would make sense with all her rules."

"She's not a prostitute." I growl.

"Ok, man, sorry."

"I don't know what to do, Steve. I want to help her but I don't know what I can actually do. Or that she'd even let me in the first place."

"I don't know. Maybe Robin and Vickie can help. If she's open to friends now and all?"

"I'm not going to use them to get information from Sam."

"I just meant being her friends for real. If she doesn't have any except you, she probably feels pretty alone."

"She did say she'd try with my friends. That's an opening I guess. Just make sure they aren't super obvious or weird about it. And to not take what she says or does too personally."

"You need to relax." Steve says to my stressing.

"That's a good idea."

I go to my room and pack a bowl while Steve flips through channels.

We share the pipe back and forth until we're both utterly blazed.

"Heeey, what about you?" I ask Steve.

"What about me, what?"

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