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I have been ignoring Carter since Ella yelled at me. It's not the time for this yet. I need to let Ella calm down. Plus if Carter wanted to talk to me he would have. It's been days or if Ella didn't tell him I was back. Instead, I have been hanging out with Jack for the past few days. He won't leave me in peace.

Right now, he's sleeping on the couch. You know like this he looks kind of peaceful, soft. Not someone who would ruin your life without a second thought. He keeps telling me that he's bad for me but, all I have seen is goodness. I don't understand it at all. I watch him sleep for a while, leaning against the kitchen while holding a coffee in my hand.

"You should come over here and sit next to me if you watch me sleep," he says. I turned my head pretending I wasn't staring at him this whole time. Was he awake? No, he was snoring. He couldn't have been. It's like he sleeps with one eye open. I hear him shift on the couch and then, his footsteps coming to me.

"I-I-I wasn't watching you sleep" I replied, nervously. I felt my hand shaking the cup. Fuck, Adelaide controls it. Don't let this man see you nervous. I turned to look at him instantly realizing my mistake. I meet his green eyes. Then, my eyes dropped to his lips. No Adelaide No.

"Do you like watching me sleep?" He asked with a smirk on his lips. I pulled my coffee to my lips to avoid answering him. He already caught me. I couldn't deny it even if I wanted to. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. I would deny I was watching him forever.

"No," I denied.

He came closer to me closing the gap between us. My breath hitches. His hand entwined with mine. I look down at our hands together and then, into his eyes. "We shouldn't-"I said with a shaky voice. Why is my voice failing me? come on get it together. You are not attracted to Carter's brother.

He leans in and hovers above my lips. "Don't flatter yourself, love. I wasn't the person watching you sleep," he whispers into the space between us. Then, he backs up and walks away. I watched him stunned. What the fuck was I thinking? Of course, Jack wasn't going to kiss me. I'm just being crazy. Breathe, Adelaide.

I finished my coffee and decided to shower. Maybe a shower will get rid of this energy surrounding me all of a sudden. I opened the door to the shower and there he was. A half-naked Jack standing with a towel low on his waist. God. I should have knocked.

He looks like a fucking god. The light coming in from the window is a glow surrounding him. Jesus, please help me. I realized that I was staring at him. I closed and covered my eyes. "Sorry," I apologized as I walked out and closed the door.

Moments later, he walks out fully clothed thank god. He smirks at me as he walks past me. I immediately walk into the bathroom trying to avoid him. I should make him leave. Why is he making me feel this way? Am I attracted to Carter's brother? No, you're being crazy. You love Carter, Adelaide. I take a breath. In and out. In and out.

I undressed completely and turned the shower on. As I was doing that the door opened and I heard a whistle. Shit. I immediately grabbed my robe and put it on. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I yelled.

"If you get to see me naked. I get to see you naked and what a nice naked body" he replied with a teasing voice. His eyes looked me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"I didn't even see you naked Jack. You had a damn towel on goddamn it," I yelled at him. I crossed my arms. I was fuming. He laughs. He leans against the door. Not a sign of him letting me take a shower in sight.

"Oh I know Adelaide but, I couldn't resist," he replies mocking me. If he wants to play then we'll play. I'm not going to let him stop me from taking a shower. I start to take off my rob again. His smirk drops and shock fills his face. He just stares at me.

"If you want to watch me shower. Go ahead," I replied, smirking this time.

"Adelaide," I hear from the outside of the door. Carter is staring at me and then at Jack. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck!

"Is this why you haven't told me Adelaide is back? because you wanted to use her for one of your fucking mind games to get back at me," he screamed at Jack. I grabbed my robe and covered up again. I can't believe this happening.

Before Jack could reply I spoke, "I asked him not to"

He turned and looked at me like I was trash on the floor. Broke my fucking heart. "Why the fuck would you do that Adelaide?"

"Because everything is so fucking fucked right now. Especially with how we left things and Ella is rightfully upset. I don't want us to fall right back into our pattern of getting together and breaking up. I'm tired."

"So you decided to hook up with the person who hates me more than anything else in the world? You think he will be your perfect Prince Charming. He's a cold-blooded killer. Trained to kill. Why do you think I brought him here to fucking save you?"

"I'm not fucking hooking up with your fucking brother and if I did why the fuck do you care, Carter? You can't make up your fucking mind. You change your mind every couple of days or hurt me by sleeping with other women. Don't you think I deserve better than empty promises?"

"It's different now and you know that. I love you, Adelaide" he says reaching for my hand but, I pull it out of his reach. I can't do this right now. It's too much.

"I can't deal with this right now. I need to shower and get ready for work."

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