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Jack Carter

Adelaide and Carter are acting like an old married couple kissing, putting her arm around her. It's disgusting. Ella hasn't seen them yet and I am afraid that is going to happen when she does. She has already been having a tough time with everything. What if this is her breaking point? I seem to be the only one who cares or else they wouldn't be rubbing their relationship in everyone's faces.

Then, there are footsteps on the stairs and Adelaide and Carter break apart from each other. Ella walks down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. As soon as she sees Adelaide, she eyes her with disgust.

"I knew you were going to bring my dad to your side. You fucking whore. Haven't you had enough of taking everything from me?" she screamed at Adelaide.

"Ella... please. Lets. Talk about this," Adelaide stammers.

"No. You ruined my fucking life, Adelaide. Do you fucking realized that? you fucked my dad behind my back and got pregnant. Nothing will ever be the same again. You destroyed my life," she yelled back at Adelaide.

Adelaide jumped down from her seat to walk towards her. I grabbed her arm. I don't think it's a good idea for Adelaide to be next to Ella when she's so emotional. Especially pregnant. She looks at me and says, "It's okay. She won't hurt me,"

I'm not so sure that is true. Ella is completely unpredictable at this second. She's angry and feels betrayed. That's the worst kind of angrier. It's the kind of anger that makes you want to kill even if it's something you wouldn't normally do.

"Of course, everyone protects the princess, who could do no wrong. I'm fucking done with all of you. I'm out," she screams and walks out the door.

Carter yells after her, but she doesn't stop. I turn Adelaide around, but she doesn't meet my eyes. I can tell she's crying. Of course, Carter comes to her recuse pulling her from me and pulling her into his arms.

She let out a big scream, her knees bucked and I rushed to help her. Carter gives me worrisome eyes. I helped him bring Adelaide into the living room to lay her down. She fought us the entire way. We laid her down, Carter sat at her head putting her head in his lap as he caressed her hair.

I couldn't leave her like that so I stayed at her feet. When she finally stopped she looked up at Carter. "Do you think she's ever going to forgive me?" she questioned with hopeful eyes. Carter looked up at me. He didn't want to say it.

"Carter," she said. He looked down at her hesitantly.

"I don't know, baby."

Ella Carter

I looked back at my house door to see if anyone came after me. Nobody did. They are probably cheering up little Miss Princess. No one ever gave a shit about me or my feeling. Adelaide was supposed to be my best friend and she fucks my dad and I'm the one paying for it? how the fuck does that happen? Why am I the only one angry about this? I got in my car and called my mother. I waited for her to answer which she did immediately.

"Ella? what's up?" she asked through the receiver. I tried not to cry, but I was feeling a world of emotions and right now  I needed my mother.

"Can...Can I come over?" I asked sniffling. Shit.

"What's going on, Ella?" she asked immediately concerned.

"I just need you right now," I replied trying to keep my voice calm.

"Okay. Come over."

I turned my car on and raced over to my mother's house. She lived fairly close to my father. I turned to her drove away and parked my car. She immediately opened the door and was standing in front of the door. I rushed over to her and jumped into her arms. She stumbled but caught herself. I was so happy to see her. I fall apart in her arms. She held me tighter.  She didn't even have to ask me. It's like she already knew what was going on.

She walked me into the house still holding on me. "What's going on?" she said, a worried tone in her voice.

She sat me on the couch while holding her arm around my back to comfort me.  "What's going sweetie?" she questioned. I breathed to calm down to be able to tell my mom, but it was so useful. It was like even thinking about it was bringing me more sadness.

"Dad....He-he-He choose that fucking bitch," I said through my tears. She gasped, but I could tell by the look on her face she wasn't shocked at all. Did she know this was going to happen?

"That's not even the worst part. She's fucking pregnant." I continued. She gasped again. Her eyes popped out of her eyes. I can see the anger take hold of her in a matter of seconds. "I'm sorry, Ella. I knew that bitch wasn't a good friend the moment I saw her. She has always had it out for your dad,"

"Really?" I asked. I can't remember a single moment where I could have known Adelaide had a thing for my father. I thought maybe it was a recent thing. Maybe, she was after my dad for a while? Maybe I should have seen the signs. I was so blind and stupid.

"Yes. I caught Adelaide multiple times. She was always staring at your father with lustful eyes and when I caught her she would just apologize. I pretended nothing happened because I never thought she would go after your father. I guess I was wrong."

She pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder. "I guess we were both wrong to trust her," I replied. It was time. No more pouting and feeling sad. Adelaide has to pay for ruining my life and I know just the way to do it.

I shot up from my seat causing alarm in my mother. She stood up straight in her seat wanting what I had to say. "I have a plan to destroy Adelaide's life," I stated. Revenge is going to be so sweet. My mother nods looking a little worried look in her face.

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