A couple months later...
It's been months since Adelaide has been kidnapped. I haven't heard from Asher since he called the day Adelaide was kidnapped. I'm being driven Insane. I spend every waking minute thinking about Adelaide and feeling so fucking guilty. It doesn't help that Ella decided to stay at Adelaide's. She found my jacket on the floor and called me screaming at me. She's taking this really hard and I can't blame her because I am too. I can't tell what she's really angry at. Me or the fact that Adelaide was kidnapped because of me.
Jack has surprising hasn't caused any chaos since he's been in the house but, he's the only one who had contact with Ella. They talk and hangout regularly. I decided I'm just going to go to work to distract myself from my life. I have to go in calm or else everyone in the building will avoid me. Everyone has been pretty much avoiding me since Adelaide got kidnapped and I can't even blame them. I have been an ass to everyone. I just miss her so damn much.
I walked into my office with a smile. Everyone looked at me with a surprise look on their face. I'm surprised they can't tell that my smile is completely fake. I walked into the office and my assistant walks in behind me. She takes a seat like she's waiting to give me bad news. "What is it. Speak,"
"Um. Mr. Gilmore. Sir. How are you?" She replies with a nervous shaking in her voice.
'Cut the shit. What's going on?" I questioned.
She cleared her throat. "Um. We have a problem in the conference room. The board is having a meeting,"
"What?!" I jump up from my seat an rushed towards the conference room. The conference room is all the way on the over side of the building, So, I speed walk the way over there. There was no meeting on the books. So why the fuck is the board here? the board room walls are completely see through. I look through the window and see Jack standing at the end of the table. I stormed into the room.
"What the hell is going on?" I screamed. Everyone turns and faces me. Jack has a smirk on his face. If he's trying to take my company, I will make him regret it.
'Little brother, " he says facing me. "I was just updating you board on a few things. Join us won't you, please?"
He has a plan. I can tell by the look on his face. He always does. I take a seat in one of the rolling chair. He continues on in his presentation. I still don't understand why I wasn't told about this meeting? I'm the CEO of this company. What the fuck is he planning?
"So little brother. I was updating the board about our situation and, thought it best if we added someone with you to help you for a while. We all understand that you must be feeling overwhelmed."
"No." I interrupted. Everyone winced at my words. There's no way I was letting my big brother take over my company. He probably use it as a drug front or something. I'm not going to risk the hard work I put together to make this company what it is. "What my big brother is not telling you is that I'm fine. I haven't spoken to my brother in years and now he wants to come in and take it from me? No way in hell am I letting that happen."
Then, I stormed out of the room and into my office. What the fuck is he planning? I need to find out before it's too late and he takes everything from me. God. I miss Adelaide. I miss her so much it fucking kills me. She would tell me everything was going to be already. She would want me to be strong for her but, I don't know how much stronger I can be. Everyday that she's not with me I feel apart of me dying.
Lucian storms into my office. "What are you doing to bring back Adelaide? It doesn't seem like your going anything but siting on your high throne probably already forgetting about her and moving on to the next girl you are caught in your web,"
I take a breath before responding. he's upset and I can't fault him for it. If it was me before Adelaide I probably would have fired him but I'm different know. "Don't talk to me like I have no idea what your going through. It hurts to even breathe without Adelaide. I don't eat, I don't sleep. It's like walking around like a fucking ghost. I'm going everything I can to bring her back,"
"You're not doing enough," he shouts back to me. Tears fall down his face. " You claim you love her but, you don't know shit about love. You don't kill someone you love, you don't let someone you love date someone who abuses her and treats her like crap just so you can love in secret. Yes, I know about everything expect for the abuse. I found it out myself.'
"As soon as I knew he was hurting her I beat him up. I would never ever let Adelaide get hurt. It would be like hurting myself. I care about Adelaide. I love Adelaide."
"Then, fucking save her Carter and disappear. Adelaide life will be way better without you. You know that and I know that. Even she secretly knows that."
Of course, I know. He walks out.

RomanceAdelaide has always been quiet and reserved, but one day, she decided to be a little flirty with her best friend's dad. She has had a crush on him but never acted on it. Then, one day she graduates from college and has to figure out what she wants t...