If she wants me to be the villain, then I'll be the villain. Yes, I killed him right in front of her, but not just because he touched her. It was the principle. If she scared of me I'll give her something to be scared of.
Now she's siting on a couch in shock, while the men that I hired clean up the mess. I walk over to her because even though I'm mad at her. She looks so fragile and broken. I can't believe I did this to her. I was just so...angry.
I sit next to her, she's shaking. I wrap my arms around her body, but she fights me off of her. I let her go lifting my hands up in surrender. She finally gets out of her shock, standing up. She's turning red, tears falling down her face.
"How could you do that to me?" she screams at me.
"Adelaide, Please let me understand,"
"NO" she shouts. "How dare you kill someone in front of me. How dare you but me in this position,"
"Adelaide, please" I begged, but she wouldn't hear it. She walked over there I put her bag and tried to walk out the door. Angel stood in front of her. Her face changed when she realized I wasn't going to let her leave.
"So what? now I'm a prisoner?" she asked. No she's not a prisoner, but I can't let her leave. Especially with her covered in blood.
I looked down at her clothes then she realized. She looks completely horrified. I should have tried to clean her early. She was just in shock and I didn't want her to accidentally try to fight me. She didn't fight me. She let me lead her to the bathroom.
When we go to the bathroom she shut the door on me. I knock on the door, "Adelaide, please," I begged. She didn't reply, not a movement until I heard the shower turn on. I stood guarded at the bathroom door incase she needed me.
I sit in the bath tub letting the water fall against my skin. All I can see is the blood sliding down my skin and down the drain. How did it end up like this? why did I try and save him knowing there was no hope? why did Jack do this to me?
He did this to prove that I was right about him. He wanted me to fear him. Well, he did it. I'm afraid. Now, I'm locked in this hotel with the monster. How do I get out of this? is he going to hurt me?
There's a knock on my door. I immediately jump, out of fear. I let out a little scream, but I hope and pray he didn't hear it. I didn't want him to know I was afraid of him. Afraid of what he might do if he knows.
"Adelaide it's me," jack calls from the other side of the door. His voice is soft and worried. Why is he worried about me after making me scared of him? he did this on purpose because I provoked him.
"I'm finnne," my voice breaks. I cough to try and make it seem like I was just sick. I know he can hear it in my voice. I also know that he can come in here and make it all better. him knowing I'll forgive him, if he just held me in his arms.
"Adelaide, please let me in," he says. I can't let him in. He bangs on the door again. "Adelaide, please, please, please," he begs his voice getting sadder, and sadder. You have to stand your ground.
I stand and get my phone from my dress. I look for Carter's number in my phone and hit call. He picks up the whole in one ring.
Carter: Adelaide. Where the hell are you?
Adelaide: I'm in North Carolina. Before you freak out. I need you to come get me. I can't stay here with your brother I-
Adelaide: can you just come?
Carter: I'm on my way!
I wrap myself on in a towel and open the door to the bathroom. He's standing against the door looking as bad as I look. I kind of feel bad. No, Adelaide. He deserves to feel bad. He hurt you on purpose.
"Adelaide," he said trying to call my attention. I met his eyes, they are bloodshot red. "I put your clothes in your room. I'll sleep on the couch,"
"I don't need your fucking pity, Jack," I spit back. He winces at my words. I turn away and walk into the long hallway where the bathroom was. I hear his footsteps from behind me and until he was in front of me. He slams me against the wall his hand hovering over me.
"Adelaide, please don't be afraid of me. I messed up. I-"
I shake my head, furious. "You don't get to do that to me and feel remorse. You k-" I stopped for a second the words stuck in my throat. You killed someone in front of me for revenge against me. Do you understand how fucked up that is?" I screamed at him.
I tried to get out of his space, but he trapped me in. I could smell his scent through his shirt and it made me want to throw up. How easily he turns from evil to good. The perfect devil.
"I do understand, Adelaide. I regret everything now. I'm sorry. I can't stand you having that look on your face. I wish I wasn't the person who put it there,"
"What look?" I questioned. I knew what look he was talking about, but now things have changed. I finally saw him for what he was, for what Carter saw him as. He warned me and I didn't listen. I wish I listened.
"You fear me, you shake every time I'm near you. Your eyes are full of hatred and rage. I wish I never did this," his voice breaks. Shit. I need to get out of this.
"Please. Let. Me. Go," I begged through my tears. He pulled away and I immediately ran towards the room and locked myself inside. I put my clothes on, brushed my hair and cried myself to sleep.
In the morning I hear yelling coming from the living room that immediately woke me up. "Where the hell is she Jack? what the hell did you do to her?" a familiar voice yelled. he actually came for me.
I immediately felt a stabbing pain through my stomach and felt wetness underneath me. I uncovered to find the sheets covered in blood.

RomanceAdelaide has always been quiet and reserved, but one day, she decided to be a little flirty with her best friend's dad. She has had a crush on him but never acted on it. Then, one day she graduates from college and has to figure out what she wants t...