1: First Day

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Glazing from the car window with my best friend Lorelei beside me on the first day of school is very exciting but also nervous.

"Are we there yet?" I asked the Driver

"Not yet, ma'am. But we're almost there." The driver replied

"Did you hear that Lorelei? We're almost there!" I happily exclaimed as I looked at her

"I'm so excited, Y/n! I can't wait!" Lorelei was as excited as me.

Since this is one of the richest, they have dorms there where the students to live in temporally. Every dorm will have two students to share which I have to share with Lorelei as I begged my dad to talk to the school to stay with Lorelei in a same room.

"We're here.."
The driver stops infront of the school gate as he opened the door for us.

Lorelei and I went out of the car as the driver took our luggages out of the car and gave it to us.

I said

Lorelei then said, "Thanks, Mr. Driver."

"Your welcome, madams. Now be careful.."

"We will.."
Both of us exclaimed

The driver then bowed slightly then went back to the car and drove back home.

"Shall we go, Y/n?"
Lorelei looked at me smiling

"Let's go."
I replied smiling back as we head where the dorms are to put our luggages there and start our day.

The dorm was a medium sized room with two beds not far from each other and two cabinets for two people. One bathroom and a table with two chairs perfect to study in. My favorite part is the sliding window wall with curtains that leads to a little balcony outside.

"Come on, Y/n. We don't want to upset our parents by being late on the first day."

I then closed the window wall and closed the curtains. Lorelei then handed me the key as we head out to find our room for today.

As I locked the door, Lorelei then said,
"Oh, look. Our neighbors! Hi there!"

I looked to the side and saw Fiona, Dracliss's beloved evil daughter.

She then looked up and down on us and then scoffed with a disgust face, "Ew, such losers~"

"What'd you say?"
I walked closer to her, raising an eyebrow and looking at her with a stare

"Freak, get away."
Fiona then looked away and started walking with her roommate

I scoffed and mumbled, "Scaredy Cat.."


Now standing infront of the school with Lorelei. It was as big as 'my' mansion.

"Did you bring everything?"
Lorelei asked me outside the school building.

"My bag, school supplies, makeup kit, phone, the key.. Yup. Everything's good."

"Well then. Let's go!"
Lorelei and I then went inside. Students surrounding the hallway as we walked.

"Remember your locker number?"
Lorelei then asked

"Yup. M- 14. Your's M- 10 right?"
I replied

Lorelei then nods as we looked where the M corner is.

"Look, there it is!"
Lorelei pointed at our right.

"M- 14, M- 14.. Ahah! M- 14!"
I then saw the key on the lock as I twisted it and opened it puting my makeup kit and some school supplies that I'll need later.

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