4: Brothers

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/(Time skip to End of Class)/

"Okay class, that's it for today. Remember to go to the Canteen later. They will be serving dinners for all Years. Only for Dinner, so you have a chance to see your seniors there. You still have time to go and change before Dinner."

"Wait? Really?! We get to see our seniors?! Ahhh!! I can't wait!!"

"Ahh!! I hope I can see some handsome seniors there!!"

"Ahhh! Me too!!


"Ughh, I have to see him again.. What a bother.." Xavier slammed his head on the desk

"Him who?"
I ask

"It's none of your business!"
Xavier yelled

"Well, It is because I'm curious.."
I reply

"My brother.. He's a senior.. 3rd Year"

"Why are you so bad about it?"
I ask once again

"Me and my brother aren't that close.."
He replies

"Oh, make sense. Well, see you later then.."
I then took my bag and then left as Lorelei waited for me outside the class.


"What did you and Xavier  talked about?" Lorelei asked me as we walk outside

"Nothing much." I reply

"Hmm.. Is it true that our seniors will be there?" She asks

"Yes. Are you expecting something, Lorelei~?" I tease

"What? No! I'm just making sure.."
She reply

"Ohh~ Alright."
She heard me chuckle

"It isn't funny you know."
She told

"It is to me.. I think Lorelei is falling now~" I tease again

"Well, I heard the President was a 3rd year and also good-looking. So I was curious who he was and how he looked."

We then arrived to our dorm and handed her the key.

"Haha, I know right~ Such a loser~"

We heard Fiona and her roommate walking away dressed up for Dinner.

"All I could hear in her mouth are losers, cheap and specially 'Ew'. Like she has all that."
I spit out as we went inside and locked the door

"Don't be like that, Y/n.." Lorelei put her things on her bed and looked for something to wear in her cabinet.

"I'm just being honest here." I then searched in my closet.

I finally decided to wear a short skirt and an Off-the-shoulder crop top with a pink mini leather shirt on top and my black leather boots. Tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Wow Lorelei, you look great with your outfit today!"

"You too Y/n, you look stunning as always." She replies

"Aww~ Thanks.. But, we have still have an hour left to spend. Wanna go to the school garden?" I asks

"Sure! Let's go! Oh, and don't forget the key.."


I then took the key as I locked the door and put it on my skirt pocket.

The wind breezing against us while walking around the school garden is very quiet and peaceful. Flowers surrounding the big fountain while water flows to it. Little birds singing and chirping in the air.

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