23. Night Date

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You were so zoned out that you jolted when Lorelei suddenly spoke to you. "Gosh, lei. I wasn't thinking about anything. It was nothing." You quickly reply. Xavier beside you, seem to know what you were thinking about. Slightly worried, slightly annoyed. But he wasn't annoyed by you. He was annoyed that somebody was taking over your mind and not him.

Lorelei, "Okay.."

They continued the conversation, with you having no clue of what they were talking about earlier. As the conversation goes by, as if a killer somewhat appeared, the conversation stopped as they look up toward your head. Someone tapped your shoulder. You flinched. Xavier as the bodyguard and also a boyfriend, stood up and quickly gripped tightly onto the one that tapped your shoulder with gritted teeth.

Liam put his other hand up, "Woah there, Mr. Bodyguard. I mean no harm, I'm just here to take a good look at my 'future wife' before I eat my lunch. It boosts my appetite, you know." Xavier's eye twitched, felt disgusted.

'It was Liam. He was late.'

Students started to look scared and uncomfortable. Oh right. Xavier is a bully. WAS. Liam grinned, "Oh, you want to put on a show? It's fine. Let's do it here, in front of EVERYONE."

You stood, "That's enough, Liam. Xavier, let go of his hand." Xavier steadied his breath as he slowly began to loosen his grip. Liam pulled his arm away and examined it still with a grin. "You're quite strong, aren't you Mr. Bodyguard?" Xavier replied with a smirk, "Yeah. Capable of killing.." He didn't hesitate saying it.

Liam turns around, "Anyways, I'm off to get my lunch now. Oh and Y/n.."

Liam leans down close to your ear and whispers, "Thanks for boosting my appetite again, sweetie."

Xavier, "You..!"

And he's off. Leaving you both disgusted. Xavier sat back smacking the table, cursing. You sat back quietly. "That Liam is getting on my nerves. Y/n, are you okay?"


Xavier, "I can't believe that jerk. He's disgusting." He's right. More disgusting than Xavier. As a way of cooling down, a plate of dessert showed up on the table. A kind chef bowed as he went back to the kitchen. They probably saw it too.

To make things less awkward, Leo and the guys spoke.

Leo, "Ahem. If anyone doesn't like some, I'll eat it."

Axel, "You idiot. Of course they want some too."

Leo, "I was just saying.."

Axel, "Well, obviously they won't give it to you."

Leo, "Shut up."

They stopped when they heard a giggle. "Y/n.."

"You guys are so funny. Just eat up, don't make the chef feel bad."

They started eating as they answer, "Yes Ma'am."

"Pfft. I'm not your ma'am-" Xavier cuts up, "Let them, Princess." He says. A vein pops up from the guys' foreheads, "Stop expecting we'd call you Boss, Xavier." A vein pops up from Xavier's forehead and stayed silent. "Enough now. Just eat."

This is all making sense now. There are 2 reasons of why Liam was late.

1, he was busy doing something.

2, he was "busy" doing something.

There's a difference.

The guys noticed you were eating slow. Xavier, who knew what you were thinking all this time spoke, "We'll figure this out later, Princess. EAT." He says with a bit of commanding tone. You were shocked a second but shook away the thought as soon as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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