17: Weekend Dinner Fin.

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After you arrived home, a servant opened the door to see your Dad with a big smile as he hugged you and your Mom, "C'mere my little angels~". You two returned the hug.

As you all pull away, your Dad said, "Did you guys had fun shopping? Didn't feel any danger?". Your Mom smiled, "It was fun, Honey. We met some of Y/n's friends on the way there." Your Dad shot a concerned look, "Are they boys?" You quickly answered, "Yes Dad but I assure you they're nice.." Your Dad's expression didn't change. "Okay, then. Let's go prepare quick and have a little meeting before going.."

After you've done changing, you and your Mom sat on the couch while your Dad stood up with his arms crossed. "Smile, Manner, and Elegance. Got it." You snapped your finger. Your Dad nods, "Good. Are we ready now?"
Your Mom stood up, "Yes, Honey. Let's go."


As your Dad drove the Car, you and your Mom at the back seat, your mom realizes the necklace and the bracelet you wore again. "Y/n, did someone gave you that?" Your Mom said in a teasing way. "W-what? N-no.. I saw this when Lorelei and I went for shopping for the Party.." You stutter lied. "Hmm.." Your Mom seem to bought the lie. Thank God.

When you arrived, your eyes widened in shock to the mansion you were seeing. Not just any mansion, it was more like a castle. Holy freak. Your Mom giggled at your face, "Wait till you see their sons.."

As two servants open the big doors, your face remained the same. So many gold things. Expensive. Fancy.

You all were greeted by servants again as they lead you to the dining room. Which the Prescott's are waiting. It was 7:29 P.m.

The Prescott's are well-dressed fancily, beautifully, and handsomely. Mr. Prescott and Mrs. Prescott welcomed you all with a handshake. "It's nice to finally meet your beautiful daughter, CEO Veldion." Mr. Prescott smiles. SMILE. You inhaled deeply, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott. I'm Y/n." You let out a smile before you bowed slightly. Your Dad scratched his head, "Thanks, CEO Xilvian." Then, Mr. Prescott called for their sons, which was Xavier and Xiarlee. They were smiling as they introduce themselves to us.
"You have such good- looking sons, CEO Xilvian." Mrs. Prescott nudged Mr. Prescott by the shoulder. Mr. Prescott winced, "T-they inherited it to their beautiful Mom. Of course me too.." All of them laughed.


During dinner, the Dad's were talking about business while the Mom's talked about 'woman stuffs' as the kids ate awkwardly and silently. Xavier glanced at you every moment while Xiarlee ate uninterested. He was focusing on not to get jealous because, he still liked you. You caught Xavier looking at you and winked. You looked away, blushing as you took a sip of wine.

"I heard from my son Xavier that you are his classmate, am I right?" He was talking about you. You answered quickly, "Yes. He is also my seatmate.."
Mrs. Prescott smiled, "What a coincidence!" Heh. Yeah.. A 'coincidence'. "It is very strange that Xavier hadn't picked on someone since that incident happened on the Canteen.. I asked him a couple of times but he won't answer.. It's like he somehow 'changed'. So, as his seatmate, do you have any clues about it?" His Dad, Mr. Prescott asked you. You gulped hard. Xavier hadn't tell them between you two. So, should you lie? You glanced at Xavier to see him wiggling his head, signaling to lie. Well, the son of Prescott said it so, "I'm sorry but, I don't know.. But, I'll try to find out.." You assure, your heart beating fast. Mr. Prescott nodded. Phew. "Xiarlee." His Dad spoke. Xiarlee quickly replied, "Yes Dad?"

"Did anything happened to your brother that made him change?" You gulped again. You looked at Xiarlee who was about to answer.


Oh thank God. Mrs. Prescott quickly replies, "You must've been so busy for being the school President, Xiarlee.."
His Dad agrees. It is tough to be the school President. Thank you so much, Xiarlee.


After you all had done eating, well, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott asked us about our.. PAST


After a long awkward silence, Mrs. Prescott broke it. "It's okay to not tell us, by the way. We understand.. We.. Just wanted to help.."

The two sons completely doesn't know what's going on. "..Help?.." Xavier asked. Mrs. Prescott replies, "You don't know? My kids.. This is the family we were talking about.."

The two sons looked at each other confused. "Oh! Wait. What?!"


"..What do you mean by 'Help'?" Your Dad questioned. Mr. Prescott replies back, "Well, we ARE a mafia family. And I know many people who can protect you, 24/7." Your Mom quickly declined, "No, no.. You've done so much for us, CEO Xilvian. We can't accept it." Mrs. Prescott shushed, "Shh. Once we decide, you can't take it back." You just listened quietly while Xavier looked at you with mixed feelings. You haven't told him yet about your past. Anyone besides Lorelei.

Mr. and Mrs. Prescott looked at you pityingly. "Y/n, I know you were traumatized about the past but, we're here to protect you now. As a new investor and as new business partners with your parents. We are here."

Your Mom and Dad nodded at you to say everything. You inhaled deeply.
"..My first kidnapping was once when I was 6. Since that day, Dad and Mom homeschooled me. Even though I was homeschooled I was still being kidnapped. Since Dad and Mom were out sometimes. They always knew when and where to come. They envied us. So, they targeted me everytime. The time I was almost killed was when I was 9. Luckily, they found me just in time. I was used to it. I WAS traumatized, yes. After a kidnap, I would end up to 'no eating for straight weeks and not going out'. But, once when I was 12, I moved to France for highschool with some of my cousins and bodyguards to keep me company and to be safe. I was kidnapped a few times but thanks to somehow 'luck' I'm able to live right now. After that, I moved here and transfered to college with my childhood best friend Lorelei. That's when I met Xavier and Xiarlee. And some new friends out there."


"Sniff What a childhood.. Sniff" Mrs. Prescott wiped her tears away with a tissue a maid gave earlier. "Hmm..Then, That ends there." Mr. Prescott crossed his hands. "..That ends the kidnapping. I'll hire you assassins to take over them and my son." Your WHAT?

Who? "My son Xavier, as your bodyguard." Xavier let a proud thumbs up and smirk. "You can count on me, Dad. I'll break their bones who ever touches my- I mean, Y/n." Xavier stutters. That was close. Your Dad clears his throat, "Thank you so much, CEO Xilvian for everything." Mr. Prescott smiles. "Don't mention it."

Xavier and Xiarlee still can't believe that you were the one their parents were talking about. Xavier wanted to protect you more, after that. Xiarlee seemed to want that too. Even though you belonged to Xavier now, but he didn't care. It wasn't an official marriage, duh. So he still have a chance. He hopes.

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