12: Welcome Party Pt.1

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Few minutes past, Lorelei came out the bathroom.

"Bathroom's yours."
Lorelei said
I then grabbed my towel and went in the bathroom.

/*Few minutes later*/

Once I opened the door, I saw Lorelei in her dress looking good already.

"Wow, Lorelei.."
I smiled at her
"Eh? But I'm not done yet."
She turned around
"Lorelei, you're pretty with or without that."
She smiled
"You should dress up too, now."

"I will."




Finally, after changing, doing make-up, styling our hairs, we are now dressed up and ready for the party. I wore the dress I bought and my silver heels. I tied my hair in a bun and did my make-up. I bought a white purse that causes a million dollars only rich people can buy.

"Ready to meet the others?"
I asked her

"Let's go."

/(School Garden)/

From the distance, we saw the boys waving at us with their suits while smiling. They really look good on their suits.

"Shall we go?"
I ask them
They all nodded

/(School Hall 5:25)/


The SC's are infront greeting the students. "Good evening, everyone.."
We bowed slightly before coming in.
Some students started screaming as we walk in. They must be screaming for the boys.
"There are still students that aren't here yet."
Lorelei looked
"You're right, It's still early though."

Fiona came walking in like she has the spotlight on her completely ignoring the SC's who were greeting her nicely.

"Poogy Bear~ Look, I still wear the bracelet you gave me~ Such a shame you threw yours~"
The evil said showed a bracelet on her wrist

"Don't call me poogy bear, Fiona. And I never regretted throwing it away. Cheater." He cold stare at her

Fiona walked away feeling embarrassed. Aw, what a pity. Joking.

Something came up to my mind.


He wasn't greeting with the SC's infront so I went looking for him.
I was led to the stage where I saw Friya and Kyle checking on the mic and speaker. Kyle tapped the top of the mic.
He tested

"All good?"
Friya was on her knees checking the speaker's volume.
Kyle realizes you staring.
"Oh? Y/n.. What are you doing here?"
He asked.
Friya turned around to look and stand up. "Hi, you must be Y/n.. Xiarlee and the others mentioned. I'm Friya.. Friya Develon." She extended out her hand. I happily accepted it with a smile. "Hi, nice to meet you.."
"So, what brings you here upstage, Y/n?" Kyle tilted his head
"Oh, I was looking for Xiarlee. I didn't see him infront. Is he busy?"

"Oh. He's at the back with Liana. I think he might be practicing. Their the MC's tonight." He pointed at a door in the corner of the stage.
"Is it okay to interrupt?"
"Yeah, sure. He probably just want it to be perfect tonight. He doesn't want to disappoint the Principal and Teachers."

"I'll just check on him for a minute, if
that's okay."
"Hm. Feel free."
He smiled

I then went in to see Xiarlee holding a paper while speaking.
"Good evening, Fellow Stud-"

Liana saw me as she ran and hugged me like she didn't saw me for years.
Still happy as I expected.

Xiarlee sighed in annoyance before turning around with a smile.
Xiarlee's face turned into surprise when he saw you. He was amazed.
"Y/n.. You look.. Gorgeous.."

Liana giggled, "I'll just leave you two here. I'm done practicing anyways."
She opened the door and glanced over at us again before closing it.
"T-thanks, Xiarlee.. You too.."
I awkwardly smiled

Xiarlee walked fast and pulled me for a kiss. "Mm..~" I softly moaned

He then backed away holding my hand. "You still wore the bracelet."
He smiled. "Of course. You gave it to me..". He looked at me and cupped my cheek. "You look so beautiful."
I smiled.

"Did I interrupt?"
I asked him
"No, Y/n. I've been practicing for a while now so it's okay."
He replies
"Oh, I just want to check up on you before heading back."
"I'm fine, Y/n. Don't worry about me. You should enjoy this. It's for you and the others, anyway." He cupped my cheeks again.
"Okay. I'll go back now. If you don't mind." I smiled
"No, it's okay. Have fun."
He waved
I smiled before closing the door.

I can't help but feel sad. I really like them both. It's hard to choose between them. I should make a decision before things will end up bad. Even worse.

/(Time check, 5: 53)/

Xiarlee and Liana are now at the front holding their mics.
"Good evening, fellow students.. Teachers and Principal.. Welcome to the annual welcome party!"

*Students clapping and cheering*

"To start the Program, we would like to call the Principal for the opening speech for tonight's party. A round of applause please for, Principal Serviana."


The Principal happily accepted the mic,
"Thank you, President Xiarlee. And SC's. You never fail to impress us. So first of all, thank you all for attending tonight's party and I hope everyone will continue to have fun and not think of anything. This time. Relax. We should thank the SC's for organizing the whole party."

"Our pleasure, Principal."
Liana happily exclaimed

Principal giggled, "Tonight's lesson is to just relax and have fun. I Wish everyone a happy night. That is all."
Principal bows

*Applause once again*

Tonights Lesson: Have fun and relax.





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