20: Getting Married

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"I'm her BOY-" Never wanting a commotion, you quickly covered Xavier's mouth to stop him. "He's my Bodyguard!" You finished. All of them went silent as Xavier pushed your hand away to finish his, but you shot a look at him so he could keep silent. Liam then bursted out laughing, "Bodyguard? Ha!" He mocked. "Liam, stop it." You said. "Come on Y/n. Did you forget about our parents deal?" Liam then plastered his face with an -almost- mad look. He though you forgot about that. But you didn't. And you don't want to do it. You never thought of Liam that way. He's like your older brother. "I didn't." You reply. "Then good. Well, nice eating with you everyone. And Y/n, don't forget we have a meeting tonight." Liam ordered as he walked off the Canteen like a prince as drooling and hypnotized girls followed after.

Xavier then after pulled you out of the Canteen too and led you outside. "Tell me everything, Y/n. NOW." He said commandingly. Almost about to rage. "X-Xavier.."


"I see.. So now you just have to go with the flow?" Xavier asked kicking a pebble, 'pouting'. "If I can stop Dad for his final decision and tell everything, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. But, Liam's parents have been expecting since we were kids. And, me, myself and I have no chance even if I successfully stopped Dad." You explained. "And Liam is a pervert. If he wants you so much then he wouldn't let a single girl following him if he doesn't want to make his 'soon to be wife' jealous." He added out. Crossing his arms 100% that he was correct about Liam being a pervert. And he really is. Ever since this morning, being around Liam was not the same as you were kids. He really had changed. And you never wanted him to change. "I can't do it by myself, Xavier." Xavier let you relax on his chest as he gently rubs your back, "Don't worry my princess. You won't be alone. I'll help you. And I'll make sure you will be totally mine. Forever Mine."

"Thanks Xavier." You wrapped your arms around his waist, letting yourself to calm down. "No problem my princess. We'll win this. The son of Prescott never disappoints."


«Few Days Later»

*Bell ring*

He really didn't disappoints. The night after you talked with Xavier about 'the deal', he quickly informed you about the plan he set up.

You sat beside Xavier in class with your hands intertwined under your desks. "You sure it would work?" You asked with your attention on Mrs. Kim. "I'm sure. I convinced Xiarlee to help with the plan." He responded also his attention on Mrs. Kim.

The welcome party flashed on your head and you felt a little guilty. Xiarlee might've haven't moved on about that night. Well, it was weeks after you transfered into this college since you met them and the two Prescott's having the same feelings toward you. They were the complete opposite despite being brothers. Enemy brothers. Slowly becoming into friend brothers. Because of you.


"We got into a fight but after that he accepted it saying 'Fine. But after this, let me talk to her.'" Typical Prescott's. But you're glad he accepted it. "Talk about what?" You questioned. Xavier shrugged, "Don't know. But if he ever do something bad to you, he's not my brother anymore." He joked with a small chuckle. "Remember Y/n, we will win this." He added. His face turning into a serious one. You gave him a small chuckle and gave him a peck on the cheek. It was meant for him to calm but Mrs. Kim meant you two were making out on her class as she yelled out both of your names giving the kids their attention to both of you. Embarrassing moment. Good thing she didn't give detention to you both.

What made you like Xavier? Is it because of the kiss you two made outside the school? Is it because of him being overprotective? Ahem.


"Is it true?" Lorelei whispered to your ear as you all sat at the same table with the same friends. Of course with your ahem. B-boyfriend? Bodyguard.
"Huh? About what?" You asked. The others looked at each other and turning to the both of you. Xavier and you. "What now?" Xavier asked. "Man are you deaf?" Axel crossed his arms as the others sighed. "I'm not fvcking deaf, Axel. Just tell us what it is." Xavier straighted out. Jayden sighed again then answered. "Liam barged in the SC's Office then informed all of us about Liam and Y/n getting married." Now hearing this made you stand up but was quickly stopped by Xavier. His eyes darkened so you quickly sat again. You knew something was up after you both entered the Canteen. Many glances and weird looks was sent to you both but you just let it out and didn't asked. Now you know.

You two tried to calm down as Xavier explained to them about it. "Liam and Y/n aren't getting married. It hasn't decided yet. But as for me and Y/n, and also Xiarlee will stop it from happening." You nod of agreement. "Then count us-" You expected this, "No." You answer. They quickly shut up when you said no. "We'll figure this out. For the meantime, we'll stick to plan A." You added. You can't stop raging from the inside. The marriage haven't decided yet and he announced it saying 'getting' even though it's not decided.


"We're not getting married yet!" You shouted letting your rage out as Liam crossed his arms unbothered and proud. "Yet, yes. I'm just letting them know that you'll be mine soon and of course letting your bodyguard know." He made a mocking sound at the word bodyguard. "I want him back now." Your voice stayed calm. Liam snorted, "Who are you referring to?" Your hands turning into fists, "The old Liam. The kind, playful, funny Liam. I want him back." You stated. Liam snorted again, "Oh please Y/n. That lousy Liam from after a decade is long gone. People change Y/n." Gritting your teeth, "Not everyone change, Liam. You're not the Liam I knew anymore. You've completely changed." Liam raised an eyebrow, "So? That doesn't stop the deal. Y/n, we're meant together since kids. We'll gonna be a great husband and wife in the future." He walked closer, opening his arms. You take a step back, "No. No matter how much you want it, no." You disagreed. "Did that bullshit bodyguard poisoned you or something?" His voice starting to raise.

"No. I never told you this, but I have someone I love now." Liam stopped. His eyes starting to darken, "And? Then love someone, that won't stop the deal, Y/n my princess~ Soon, your empty little cute finger will have a very nice gorgeous ring on it. And it will be placed by me. Your one and only soon to be husband. And no one else will have you. Nor your bodyguard. Or should I say, BOYFRIEND." Now his face was madly scary. You gulped. "Oh Y/n. A stupid person won't be able to take the hint. And I wasn't a stupid person. No matter how much you'll love him, you're still mine." You gripped your chest hard, no one can say princess to you, except Xavier. "I'll do whatever it takes to stop the deal. You and I are never meant for each other!" You yelled, Liam grabbing your wrist hard and pulling you close, "I'll do whatever it takes to make you mine. I'll even fvck you in public just to make you mine. Even infront of your so called 'boyfriend'." He whispered. Chills ran down your spine and you started shaking. "This two garbages will soon gonna be thrown out the garbage pile." He was talking about the necklace and bracelet. "No." You pulled out your hand.

"You'll see how powerful I am now, Y/n."

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