16: Weekend Dinner Pt.2

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After Mom and I ate, we went to Aunt Cindy's Salon. Honestly, I think I need to redo my nails. Aunt Cindy's Salon is quite famous around the City.

"Oh, Cindy~!"
Mom immediately spoke as we got in.
"Miriana~! Good to see you again!"
Cindy dashed and quickly hugged Mom. She was Mom's sister-in-law which you can say, Dad's older sister.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n! I haven't seen you since you moved to France!" Aunt Cindy hugged me tightly, I couldn't breathe a little. "Good to sheee you again, Aunt Shindyy~!" My voice was squished by the hugging.
"What brings you here at my Salon~? Do you want to dye your hair? Style it? Spa massage? Clean your nails? Anything?"

"Actually, I do need to redo my nails."
I said. "Hmm. Sure thing! Just sit here while I gather the things!" We then sat on what's looks like a machine chair. It's adjustable too. Cool.

Few minutes have passed, Aunt Cindy came back with supplies. First, she adjusted my Mom's spa massage. "Oo~ That feels nice." The machine chair was actually a for massaging. Cool.
Then Aunt Cindy began to clean my nails first. "What do you want the color should be?" She asked. "Maybe something pink? Light pink should do."

 "Good taste, darling~ I'll do my best for my beautiful niece!" She exclaimed. "Thanks, Aunt Cindy."

An hour had passed, I was sitting there while I wait for my nails to dry. Aunt Cindy did a great job. Few Customers got in too. This place will be full of customers later. I checked on my nails to see if they're dry. I gently poked it and it was dry. Aunt Cindy was curling my hair a bit while Mom is still relaxing from her Spa. "Just a little bit more, and done! Whaa~ you're so beautiful, my niece!"
Aunt Cindy pinched my cheek.
"Hehe~ Thanks Aunt."

After a couple more minutes, Mom was finally done with her Spa massage. We were about to pay when Aunt Cindy said it's fine. We then thanked her and left the Salon. When we got out, Mom wanted to go shopping for Dinner. I said okay so we went to the Mall.

"Welcome Ma'am L/n. How may I help you?" A staff greeted us as we went in.
"Where's the High Fashion Expensive Dress Corner?" Mom asked.
"Ah, right this way Madams."
The staff led us to the High Fashion Expensive Dress Corner and left us to choose whatever.
"Choose the one's you like, my baby~"
Mom said. "Okay." I replied.

After minutes of choosing, I finally found a dress that catched my eyes.

After minutes of choosing, I finally found a dress that catched my eyes

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"That's my baby! I love it! Come on, let's buy it!" Mom applauded.
"Thanks, Mom!" I exclaimed.

"That'll be 110, 000 dollars in total for the two dresses, Madam." The staff said. "Here's my card."

"Thank you for buying! Have a great day!"


"Now, where should we go next?"
Mom looked around the mall searching for another thing to buy.
Store after store.

"Mom, do you think we bought too many?" I said. "Stop complaining, darling." "It's not a complain, Mom. My hands are full I can't even buy what I planned to buy."
"Then let's go back to the car and go back here and eat. I'm starving." Mom said. I sighed tiredly, "Fine."

While we were walking, I was admiring some things at a store when I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that. I wasn't- Axel? Leo?" I blinked. "Y/n?"

"You know them?" Mom asked me. "Y-yeah. They're my classmates." I said. Mom happily shook their hands, "Nice to meet you~ I'm Y/n's Mom~"

"Uh, nice to meet you too, Y/n's Mom. I'm Axel." Axel akwardly replied. "Hi, Y/n's Mom! I'm Leo!" Leo happily exclaimed. "Oh~ I like you, boy!" Mom said. "Mom." I mumbled. Leo awkwardly laughed. Axel grabbed me aside and whispered, "So, what brings you here to the mall? Are you-"

"Dinner with the Prescott's." I interrupt. He spoke, "Have you-". "No. It's just for business. We haven't told them yet. Is Xavier going there too?" U asked. "Yeah. He left early saying he'll be back tomorrow morning."

"Oh. So, what are you guys doing here, too?" I asked him. "Oh, we're just here to buy some stuffs." He answered.

"Y/n! Let's go grab some lunch! Oh, and the boys will join us too. My treat." Mom said happily. "It's fine Mrs. L/n. We-" Mom quickly grabbed his arm and handed the bags Mom was holding earlier."And, mind if you carry this one sec. I'll order us food." Mom then went in a restaurant and ordered food. Leo then took the bags I was holding, "I'll hold it for you. You seem to be tired from all the carrying." Leo said. "Thanks."

After awhile, Mom went out with staffs and they quickly took the bags the boys was holding and went inside. "Come on. Don't need to back out. I already ordered food." Mom dragged them inside. I sighed awkwardly as I went in and sat beside Mom waiting for the order. "Where are the bags, Mom?" I asked her. "The staffs put them aside for us." She replied.

Minutes past, the order was now here as we ate awkwardly. Mom was happy though. It was so embarrassing.

After we've done eating, Axel and Leo thanked us before heading out. "Welcome, dearies~ Happy to meet my baby's friends!" Mom happily waved at them as they awkwardly chuckled. "Mom, you don't need to call me that. It's embarrassing." I shyly covered my face. "Come on now, baby. Besides, they don't seem to mind it." Mom walked out as I followed. 'It's because they've heard it before.' I mumbled. "What'd you say?" Mom asked. "Nothing."

After we left the mall, we saw the staffs putting all our groceries from the back of the car. "Thanks, everyone." Mom said. "Your welcome, Madam." They bowed.

We then head out home to get ready for dinner. It's the first time I'm gonna meet their parents, too. I'm kinda nervous though. "What if they'll don't like me, Mom?"

"Don't worry, dear. They're so kind. You'll be fine." Mom assured.

Okay. It'll be fine. I guess..

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