15: Weekend Dinner Pt.1

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/(The night after the party)/

*Ring* *Ring*

"Y/n! Your phone's ringing!"

"Coom gedit fo mii (Come get it for me)"


"Thinggkss (Thanks)"


"Herrow (Hello)"

"Ahh, Baby~"


"Why'd you call Mom?"

"Why's your voice like that earlier?"

"I was brushing my teeth, Mom."

"Oh. So, you know it's Sunday tomorrow right, Baby?"


"Do you have any plans?"

"None actually."

"Great. Come home tomorrow. We'll have a dinner with the Prescott's."


"The Prescott's? Your new investors?"

"Yes. You still remember what I said?"

"Yes Mom."

"Good. They'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Understood?"

"Yes Mom."


*Hangs up*


"Lorelei, Mom wants me to go home tomorrow. Is it okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Mm. It's important, right?"

"Ahh, Yes."


Xavier's Pov:

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello, Dad?"

"Come home with your Brother, tomorrow."


"Just follow what I said. I'll hang up now."

*Hangs up*


They're busy as always. I wonder why they want me and Xiarlee tomorrow. Maybe a business dinner again.
I'll just text him to meet up tomorrow. Tch. Why do I have to go with Xiarlee?


/(Morning 6:30)/

"Lorelei, I'll head out now.."

"'Kay. See ya!"

"See ya!"

Dinner with the Prescott's.. Wonder if Xavier and Xiarlee will be there. Will Xavier tell his parents about us?
I hope Xiarlee's okay.

"Ma'am. Your Mom ordered me to pick you up."
The driver opened the car door as I got in.

"Is Dad there?"
I asked the Driver
"Your Dad's on a meeting but he'll be there." He replied


After some time, we arrived.
Hah. Smell that fresh air.

The guards opened the gate for me as I entered.


Mom quickly hugged me when she saw me.
"Mom, I can't breath!"

"Oh, sorry about that! Did you have breakfast, darling?"

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