7: Jealous P.2

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/(Time skip to END SCHOOL)/

*Bell ring*

"Seat 1, help me carry the books to the Office."
The teacher then leaves with Seat 1

I glanced at Xavier beside me getting his bag, "See you at Dinner.." I said softly

He didn't reply and just left

"Y/n, let's go"
Lorelei tapped my shoulder

"Oh, right."
I quickly took my bag and we left the classroom

As we were walking outside, Lorelei noticed my face,

"Y/n, what going on? You've been like this since after Lunch.."
Lorelei said worryingly 

"It's nothing.. I'm just tired."
I shook my head and then smiled

Lorelei didn't reply. Instead, she just smiled and held my hand

After we arrived at our dorm, we locked the door and started changing

After a couple of minutes, we finished changing and decided to go to the school garden again before Dinner.

As we were walking, "I hope we'll see the cute bunny again!" Lorelei exclaimed excitedly

I giggled, "Me too. And the two little bunnies as well."

"Oh, them too!"
She then exclaimed


We then arrived at the school garden when we saw the boys sitting on the fountain while chatting and laughing. But, Xavier isn't with them.

"Ooo~We didn't expect someone to come here."
Axel smiles

"Hi, Lorelei~"
Jayden looked at her while smiling.
She smiled back at him

Ahem. Something fishy is going on here.

"Have you guys seen Xavier?"
I ask them

"He went back to get his phone. We're waiting for him here. This is usually our hangout place. Why?" Leo answered

"No reason.."
I replied

"So, what brings you two here?"
Jayden asked

"This is where we usually stay before Dinner.. We're hoping we could see the bunnies again."
I answered

"Oh,the bun-"
Axel covered Leo's mouth

I tilted my head.

"Sorry to keep you waiting guys."
Xavier looked at us surprised


"Nah, it's okay bro."
Axel patted his back

We stared at each other blankly before he turned away.

*Little Squeaks*

"Aaahh! The bunnies!"
Lorelei quickly went to the sound was and opened up the bush

Inside there was the bunny and the two little bunnies.

She knelt down and patted their heads.

"Come on, Y/n! Pet them!"
Lorelei gestured me to pet them

I knelt down and started patting the little ones. One of the little bunnies jump into my palm. I held him closer to my face as he started tickling me with his fur.

I chuckled, "Stop it, little one~ It tickles~"

I then put him down and patted him again.

Lorelei took out her phone and put it on camera, "Smile bunnies~"

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