3: Intension

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/(Time skip to LUNCH TIME)/

*Bell Rings*

"Okay class, this is just for today. Enjoy Lunch.."

"Yahoo! Lunch Time~!"

"Y/n!, come on, let's grab some lunch.."
Lorelei then took my hand and left the class

"Where's the Canteen again?"
Lorelei stopped

Some students then walked past us,
"Hey, excuse me. Do you know where the Canteen is?" I ask them

"Oh, just go straight down this hall and go left.." The student instructed

"Okay, thanks so much."
I replied with a smile

"Your welcome!"
They then continued to walk

"Let's go, Lorelei."
We the began to walk where the student instructed and arrived at the Canteen just in time. Good thing the Canteen is on our floor. We then lined up and got our plates. Scooping our meals immediately so the others could get some too.

We then saw an empty table and decided to take a seat.

"Why did you put less food on your plate, Y/n?"
Lorelei asked me

"I'm on my diet remember?" I replied

"Well, your skin is fine and your healthy so why diet?"
Lorelei asks again

"My weight recently got up so I need it." I replied to her

"Well, suit yourself. Just don't eat so less.." She spoke

"Yes, I know.."

"Ahem. Ahem."

"Excuse me, it's inappropriate to cough infront of people.." I told them

The 4 boys was standing across our table holding their plates while looking down on us..

"I'm not coughing.. I'm just letting you know that this is our table.."
Xavier spoke sternly

"Well, I don't see your names on it.."
I reply

"You should just follow what Xavier says, cutey~" Axel held my chin

"No, we're the one's who came here first. And get your hands away from me." I said yanking away his hands.

"Axel, stop. Let them be. We'll just find some other table.." Xavier stopped Axel

"Hmph." I uttered turning my head back to eat

"Sorry about that. She's just having a bad day.."
Lorelei assured them

"Bad Day? Now, who's making my Princess, a bad day~?"
Xavier leaned in closer

"You know, the 4 boys I met today which were sooo annoying~ Really.."
I said backing away from him

"Their 'boss' was the most."

"Most? Handsome~?"
Xavier didn't seem bothered.

"Most Annoying actually.."
Xavier keep going closer and closer making me slide away to make a space to sit in.

And with that, Xavier successfully sat next to me

"So that's your intention this whole time?" Glaring at Xavier

"Ah Huh, boys. Join us."
Xavier told the boys

As he said, the boys sat with us. It was so awkward at first but we actually talked after.

"So, what brings you here in this university? I mean. You came here to study but what other reason? Just curious.." Jayden asked

"Well, my parents wanted me to study here because they want me somewhere near them because I studied highschool at France and I'm here now." I replied

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