19: New Rival?

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Liam, who didn't get sleep last night excitedly whooshed out his door with his bag on his hands and shiny gold-like hair with a smile plastered on his face. He couldn't wait to go to the University you are in and have a class with you the whole day. Who doesn't want that? After being separated for a decade. He missed you a lot.

He ran down the stairs and stopped halfway when Mrs. Elianna came out with her hands on her waist. "M-mom, G-good morning!" Liam exclaimed. Mrs. Elianna sighed, "Go eat first. I'll call the servants to move out your luggages into Hep(Helicopter's name)." Liam nodded as he walked to the Dining Room where Mr. Thesso.

They moved back here at Virgania for some 'business'. They became super rich because of the business they put up in Europe which became very successful. Liam hurried to eat as his parents stared at him with a proud smile. Liam stood up and drank his cup of water fast before heading out the huge Villa they bought (not rented).

He head towards the huge garden with Hep and the pilot waiting.
The Veldien's always thought that it's nicer to go with a helicopter than a car. The pilot bowed,"Good Morning, Master Liam." Liam quickly jumped unto Hep and readied his seat. "No time for chit chat. Let's go." Ahh!~ I'm gonna see Cupcake again~!

"Ah, yes Master." The pilot replied as he started Hep's engine.


As you and Lorelei locked the door of your room, someone swooped out the bag you were holding. You were about to argue but was shushed as you see who swooped it. Xavier. Smiling brightly, handsome as ever. You heard a groan from the side making you smirk. Fiona, who also was heading out of their room, never imagined walking out the room would ruin her day. Well, it did.

You hear her mumble something out as she walked away. You looked back at Xavier with a smile, "Shall we?"
He and Lorelei nodded.


Just as you three climb up the stairs, the sudden wind blew from behind that made you trip. Thankfully, Xavier was able to catch you in time. Your lips almost touched each other as you blushed. You snapped out and quickly made yourself to stand properly and looked over where the wind came from.

Surprise, Surprise. It was Liam. Going out his Helicopter like he was a star. Tons of girls quickly rumbled towards him, drooling. Well, at least they're attention isn't focused in Xavier anymore. Liam threw away flying kisses to them, swaying his gold-like hair with his bag on his shoulders. But his attention was all in you.
Xavier noticed it and it made him really pissed. He didn't know him yet.
Liam pushed away some of the girls who were blocking the path and walked towards you. "Hi Cupcake! Hiccup Nice to see-" Liam didn't finish when he saw Lorelei. Of course.
"What is your maid doing here, Y/n?" Lorelei scoffed, "Excuse me, I'm not a maid. And why the heck is this dumb goldy head here, Y/n?"

"Well, anyways. I'm glad that-"

Xavier cut off Liam by blocking you in between. Liam glared at him, "Excuse me, can you scoot over? I'm talking to Y/n here." Xavier glared back, "Why would I? I'm her-" You quickly cut off Xavier by pulling him aside. "Sorry about that, Liam. Anyway, now that you're here, we can go together." Liam's glare faded and turned into a smile. "Sure, Cupcake! And.." Liam pointed from below. "Why is hand around your waist?" You didn't realize Xavier's hand swirled around yours.
You immediately backed away leaving Liam confused, and a little 'annoyed'.


Lunch break came, you and Xavier went to the Canteen together along with your friends. You all lined up to get food and sat and ate together. Of course, Liam was a 2nd Year so he butt in. You didn't mind that, the more the merrier. But Xavier thinks otherwise. He's annoyed about the fact that Liam was actually your childhood boy best friend. Liam was being clingy to you throughout lunch and that made Xavier and others uncomfortable and irritated.

Xavier had enough. "Hey, I don't care if Y/n and you are both close but keep your distance, bro. There are so many people watching. And if you do that clingy arm thing to Y/n again, you'll get what you deserve." Xavier said sternly to Liam who was still busy feeding you like a baby as his arm wrapped around yours. Liam replied with a glare, "Oh yeah, what are you to her, anyways?" Xavier let out a smirk, thought he could win this again. "You really wanna know, huh?" Liam eyes twitched, "I already asked dummit."

"I'm her BOYFRIEND."

(So so short, Sorry)

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