5: Groupings

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/(Morning- 5:30 Am)/

*Alarm Ring*


"Lorelei, wake up."
I threw the pillow at her face


*Alarm stop*

After the Alarm stopped, I stayed in bed a little while before taking a shower.

"Lorelei, I'm gonna go take a shower first."



After taking a shower, I wrapped my towel around my body and wrapped my hair too, as I got out of the bathroom, I saw Lorelei staring down the balcony.

"What are you staring at?"
I asked her as I began to change

"A couple fighting."
She replied

"What are they fighting for?"
I asked her again

"The girl said he cheated on her because he wasn't replying and answering her calls last night but he said he was just with his friends having fun. Unfortunately, the girl called his friends last night and they said he wasn't with them."

"He got unlucky for cheating. Seriously, why do everyone cheat if they just do it to their bf/gf?"


"Oh, she wants a break-up.."

"It's his lost. Let me see."
I got out of the balcony and stared down while brushing my hair.


Boy: "Please, Babe! I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

Girl: "No, I'm done! You deserve to be with cheaters, you cheater!"

Boy: "Please! Babe!"


"Ohh~ That's a good one.. By the way, your next."

She then grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom

After a while, Lorelei got out and started changing while I was doing my make-up.

/(6: 45)/

"All done?"

"Yup, all done."
Lorelei then took her bag as I was waiting for her. I then locked the door and we headed out to school for breakfast.

I forgot to mention, this University also serves Breakfast and also Lunch and Dinner for College Students who're currently studying here which is why it's the no. 1 University in the city.

After arriving to the class, we put our bags there and headed to the Canteen.
Unfortunately, Our seniors won't be there. I wonder how's the boy doing. Maybe I should check? Maybe later.


After we arrived, we then took our plates and line up to get our breakfast.

Smiling at every chef who's in charged of scooping

"Ehh? Uhh, I think you put too much.."
I said to the chef

"It's okay. This is our thanks for last night."
The chef's replies


"Just leave it, Y/n."
Lorelei whispered

I sighed, "Thanks.."

We then found an empty table and took a seat and started eating

"Lorelei, how am I suppose to eat all this~?" I complained

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