13: Welcome Party Pt.2

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Tonight's Lesson: Have fun and Relax


We were currently sitting around the circular table that the SC's decorated. The theme they put on is gold and white which resembles wealth.
The table is set as Formal as well.
It's like we're attending a wedding or something. Music is followed as the
chefs were holding platters as they lay it on the table. Each table owns 6 chairs.

"Dinner is served."
A chef gave us two platters as we began to scoop some for ourselves.
But Xavier stopped me and pushed me gently back on my chair.
"Just sit there Princess, I'll do it for you."

"Thanks. I'll do half of the Pan Seared Steak and 3 Pieces of Sweet Barbeque Chicken Sliders." I smiled

"That's all?"
Xavier asked
"She doesn't want to weight."
Lorelei assured.
I nodded in agreement
"Okay, Princess."


"Hey, Pres! Grab some of your's too!"
Liana exclaimed at him. Xiarlee was looking over you with a concerned but annoyed look.


/(Before the Party, 4:50)/

Little did you know, Xavier and Xiarlee talked before the Party.

"Is it about Y/n?"
Xiarlee crossed his arms
"I talked to her."

Xiarlee tilted his head a little
"She likes me."

"... What.."

"But she likes you too.."
Xavier added
Xiarlee scoffed, "Well, that'll be complicated."

"She wants some time to choose so I let her." Xavier then said
"In that case."
Xiarlee turned and began to walk away.

"Let the games begin."
They both mumbled.


"Pres! Pres!"
Xiarlee zoned out but snapped away.

"I know"
He then grabbed his plate and scooped some food before sitting with the SC's.

Liana was checking on the List of Confession.
"I am so lucky to have- Aww~ This confessions are so cute!"
"Liana, stop reading. You should eat."
Friya took the list away.
"Aww~ I'll do it later then."
She pouted.

Xiarlee glanced over at Xavier and you again.
Xavier was wiping your lips with a tissue paper as you both smile at each other. Xiarlee got annoyed and just ate quietly.


/( Time check- 7:30)/

The chefs appeared again holding platters full of desserts and tea.
The tea flavours are the healthy ones.
Xavier and the others stood and made some for him.
"What flavour do you like Princess?"
Xavier asked
"Oolong Tea."
I smiled
He then gave the tea to me.
I took a sip holding it in a mannered way. They all did it too.

"Let's meet at the rooftop tomorrow.
To: Jeanna from 1st Year
From: Admirer from 2nd Year"
Liana said. So they're reading out confessions huh?
All of them started 'ooing'.

"I love you. To: Jelly Beans From: Pickles." Liana was containing her laugh at the cringy nicknames.

"I love you so much Poogy Bear~ From: Fiona beautiful To: Xavier my Poogy bear. Pfft-" Liana couldn't contain the 'Poogy Bear' nickname.

Xavier spit out his tea at the sudden confession. He awfully glared at Fiona. Fiona was looking at him with a small smirk and smile.
Fiona then gave him a flying kiss but Xavier 'shoo'd' it with his hands with a disgust look.
Xavier turned to me thinking I was jealous. I let out a smile at him but it made him frown.
I took a sip again to hide my smile.

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