2: Coincidence

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"You heard the teacher, now sit."
Xavier patted my seat as I awkwardly sat down.

Xavier then smirked, "This must be
faith, don't you think~"

I scoff, "No way.. It must be just a coincidence."
He shrugged, "It seems faith to me.."
I scoffed again, "Whatever.."

I then saw Lorelei stare at me with an 'Are you okay' look. I just nodded at her when I'm not. I'm actually mad about having this jerk seat next to me.

That another jerk Jayden kept clinging and flirting on her and that made me mad.

"What's that? Are you jealous~?"
Xavier leaned closer

"Jealous? Pfft. No, I'm not and stop coming closer. You have your side and I have mine."

"You don't know who I am, do you?"
Xavier's tone was becoming stern

"No, who cares anyway?"
I awkwardly scoffed

Xavier smirked, "Well, everyone here cares, except you.."

The teacher cleared her throat to get everyone's attention just in time. I thought he was about to punch me again.

"Okay everyone since this is your first day of college, let me introduce myself. I am Kimberly Friyess, your class adviser this 1st year. You can call me Mrs. Kim. Today's class is to introduce yourselves to everyone. I hope all of you will have a good friendship together and enjoy this year." The teacher exclaimed while walking back and forth

"Introduction will be by, Name, Age, Facts from the family, and you may also include some of your hobbies and that's all." Mrs. Kim added

"Let's start by your seat arrangements. Seat 1."



"Seat 13. A round of applause, please."

*Clap, clap, clap*

"Ahem. Good Morning Everyone. The name's Axel Weerlin, I'm 19. Form the Weerlin Family that owns a company and also a billionaire. My hobbies, uhmm.. Insulting and Working out."

"Okay, round of applause for Axel Weerlin."

*Clapping* *Whistling*



"Seat 17. Round of applause."

*Clap, clap, clap*

"Hi, everyone. My name's Leo Evelyn and I'm 19. From Evelyn Family, has a company too and also a billionaire. Hobbies are riding and reading books. Oh, and also insulting."

"Haha, okay~"

*Clapping and whistling*




"Mm.. Seat 23."

*Clap, clap, clap*

"Uhh, h-hi Everyone.."

She's nervous again. I just gave her a thumbs up with an encouraging smile.

She nods, "My name is Lorelei Assyria, I am 19 and from Assyria Family, has been working and helping with L/n Family for years. My hobbies are ice skating and travelling." Lorelei bows politely

*Clapping and whistling*

"Okay, Seat 24."

"Clap, clap, clap*

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