11: Choose

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Why? Why? Why...

The two sons of Prescott likes me..
A girl who has been chased by many assassins. How? and Why?..



"What do you want to talk about, Xavier?"
They ask

Apparently, Xavier had enough. He wants to break off the bet. Before Xiarlee can get you. You were eating at the Canteen along with Lorelei and Jayden.

"I want to stop the betting."
Xavier announced

Axel asked out of confusion

Leo was confused as well

"You were the one who started the bet and now you want to break it?"
Leo asked again

Xavier sighed, "Xiarlee also wants Y/n."

"What? How? When?"
They asked

"I'm not sure. The two of us are now competing about Y/n. And I forgot about the bet. I like Y/n. For real now."
Xavier answered


"5 million. I'll give you 5 million each."


"10 million."


"5 billion!"


Xavier sighs, "10 billion."


Xavier sighed again, "You'll receive it after the party."




*Bell ring*

"Okay class, go back to your seats.."
The teacher opened the door and put his things on the table.
I sat awkwardly with Xavier beside me.

Xavier murmured

I turned to him

"A- I'm sorry.. For.. y-yelling at you.."
He turned away feeling embarrassed
as he clench his fist. I gently hold his hand and looked at him with a smile.

"It's okay.. It's not your fault. And.."
I feel myself blush as I looked away a little. Xavier was quite shocked.
"And?" He asked. Is this the right thing? Xiarlee, a kind and caring person or Xavier, a bully but has a soft side with me..


"I like you too.."


Xavier's eyes widen. I sighed, "I can't, Xavier.. I also like Xiarlee too.. I can't choose.. I.."

"That's okay, Y/n.. You can decide.. I won't force you.. Y/n..." He held both my hands looking at me. "I like you.. I would do anything.. anything.. That I-"

The teacher noticed you two weren't paying attention.

He yelled pointing at the door

"We would gladly do so.."
Xavier stood up and pulled me out of the class heading to the Detention Room. He opened the door to see it empty.

Xavier sighed as we got in. "I never liked his class anyway.." He turned to me, "Shall we continue?"


We're sitting across and staring at each other right now.
"Hear me out.. You'll just see for yourself who will you choose. It could be tomorrow or the other day or any day.. I'll wait.." He gently held my hand. "I'll do it.. You'll wait for me, right?". "Of course my Princess.. I'll wait for you.." He cupped my chin. He then slowly went closer. I didn't know I was too.. Until we kissed. I let my hand go to his shoulders as we kissed passionately. I've never had a kiss like this one. It felt really nice. I was blushing so hard, my heart racing, and butterflies in my stomach. I hope I can choose between them. I really like them a lot..

Soon, we both pulled away resting each others foreheads to catch breath.
We smiled at each other and laughed.
Just then, a teacher came cross arming.
"So, you're the students that got detention by Mr. Diez.. Go sit 3 seats away. I will be watching you today, until class is over." The teacher lazily sat. Uninterested. Xavier stood up and sat 3 seats away from me.

Time ticked, I decided to take a quick nap. But it turned out that I slept for hours.

/*Time check 4:30*/😑

*Bell ring*

"You may go.. Wake your classmate up." The teacher left.

Xavier stood up and tapped your shoulder. "Y/n, wake up~" Xavier whispered

Whining, "5 more minutes~"
Xavier softly chuckled, "Alright.."
Xavier grabbed a chair and looked at you while smiling.

/*5 minutes later*/

"Y/n, wake up.."
Xavier gently shaked you.
You groaned.
Xavier frowned. "Y/n, if you don't wake up I'll leave you here alone.."
Xavier stood up but you tucked his shirt. "Mm~ Don't leave~"

He chuckled and patted my head. "Princess, we have a party remember~?"

I slowly look up smiling and blink,
"Can I not come?"

He chuckled again and flicked my forehead. "Ow! Why'd you do that~?"
I cupped my forehead

"Princess, you know you can't."
He cupped my cheek and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, let's go.. I'll tell the boys we'll meet up at the School Garden."
He held my hand while walk outside the Detention Room.

We arrived at the class to see it empty. Then, he grabbed his bag and mine.
"I'll hold it." I said

"No, I'll hold it. You, hold my hand."
He intertwined his hand on mine.
I smiled at him as we walked outside.
He put my bag on his shoulders.
Until we arrived infront of the dorm.

He handed me my bag.
He then patted my head while smiling, "See you later."
"See you later."
He then kissed my forehead before turning around.


"You're not letting this get away do you?"

Fiona scoffed completely annoyed by what she saw. Apparently, she and her roommate were watching from the hallway window. "I sure am."

They then heard footsteps. They knew it was you. Fiona had a stupid idea.
"Oh my gosh~ You still wear the bracelet Xavier got you~?" Her roommate said

You stopped a while to hear them chat.

"Of course I'll still wear it even though we broke up. I still love my little poogy bear so much~ I will get him no matter what. I will ruin who will get me away from him." Fiona glanced over you.

You were annoyed so you continued to walk and opened the door to your room and lock it.

Fiona and her roommate did a high-five as you went in. You didn't see Lorelei so you thought she was taking a shower. You knocked on the bathroom door.
"Lorelei, are you there?"

"Oh, Y/n. Yeah, I'm in the shower! Just rest there!" She yelled

I put my bags on my bed and took out the dress.

'I should have some fun tonight.'






H/n-(What'll happen?)

A/n-(Just wait.🤭)

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