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"Phew. We arrived."

"Thanks for the ride, Axel."
I smiled

"Your welcome."
He replied

"Your welcome~"
Xavier and Leo mimicked

He hit both their backs.
"Are you mimicking me?"

"Are you mimicking me?"
Xavier and Leo laughed

"Gosh, they're like kids."
I said

"I know right."
Lorelei said next to me

"Atleast your's isn't."
I tease


Jayden and I both giggled.


/(Dinner, 1st Floor)/

"Oh, it seems that we have some latecomers." A chef saw us coming in


We then took our plates and scooped our foods.


I don't know why but, all of us ate together. Usually, we would split up from the boys but today, they want to join us. We couldn't say no.

Just then, we heard the mic ring. It was Xiarlee holding the mic.
"Hello. Sorry to bother you guys. We sincerely apologize for not telling you the venue today. It will be happening in the School Hall. On, 6:00 to 9:00. That's all, Thank you."

"I wonder why they forgot about it."
Lorelei said

"Maybe their just busy."
I guessed

Xavier let out

"Desserts for today.."
A chef gave us

"They're cookies."
I stared

We then ate all our foods and chatted a while. While we we're walking, someone called my name.

It was Liana. Happy as always.

"Y/n! I have something to tell you!"
Liana walked looking excited now.

"What is it, Liana?"
I ask

"Oh, silly me. I don't have to tell you something! Actually, it was someone!"
Liana then grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the others.

"I'm going to borrow Y/n for a moment! Don't follow us!"
She's being obvious


She led me into an empty classroom and locked the door.

"Hey! Liana! Open the door!"
I yelled

She giggled, "What do you see?"

I turned around.

What I thought was the classroom was empty but. I was surprised when I saw some decorates infront of me. Not only that, Xiarlee was there too. Standing in the middle.

He smiled

"X-Xialree.. What's the meaning of this?" I walked around

He chuckled, "I had a little help from the SC's.. I.."

I turned to him. He was holding a small box and went closer to me.

He gently grabbed my hands and put the box in it.

"Open it."

I politely opened it and saw a bracelet. A gold bracelet with a little heart shape.

"I- Is this for me?"
I asked

He answered

"Why are you giving me this?"
I asked again

He sighed and looked at me while smiling, holding my hand.

He seemed nervous.

"I.. Like you.. Y/n."


"Since the day I saw you in the Canteen. Since you stood up for that boy, I started to feel curious about you. I asked a student about you and over time, I started feeling something. When you came for me to the SC's Office that day, I was shocked. You were kind and happy, also beautiful."
He caressed my cheek gently

"Y/n. I like you.. I don't know how or why.. I don't care what other people say.. I like you, Y/n."
He smiled sweetly. I couldn't help but blush.

"Xiarlee.. I-  I like you too but mmph!"

Before I could finish, Xiarlee kissed me. His hand went down to my waist and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. I closed my eyes feeling mixed. I don't if I should be happy or not. My mind tells me that I like him but, my heart.. Tells me someone else..

Xavier.. Do I like him?

Just then, a pair of confetti was heard and I joilted as the kiss was pulled away by it.

Xiarlee sighed.

"Oh, sorry.. Is it suppose to be when you finish it? Hehe~"
Liana awkwardly scratched his head

"Told you."
Kyle whispered

"Can't help it! I was so excited!"
Liana smiled excitedly

They both asked

Xiarlee nodded while smiling.

They both screamed. I just smiled.

"So, are you girlfriend and boyfriend now~?!"
Liana exclaimed

Xiarlee turned to me smiling, Xiarlee realized my look.

"I think we should give Y/n some time first. Is that okay?"
Xiarlee took the bracelet and put it on my wrist.

I nodded while smiling, "Yes."

"Aww~ I hope you'll be soon.."
Liana pouted

I chuckled.

I then waved goodbye to
Xiarlee and the others and left the classroom.


I then saw the others waiting for me.

"Hii Guys~!"

They realized the bracelet on my wrist. Xavier's face was annoyed.

"What's wrong?"
I ask

Xavier signaled

Everyone then left us. Alone with Xavier.

Xavier grabbed my hand and pointed the bracelet.
"Where'd you get this?"
He coldly asked

"F-from, L- Liana.."
I said

"Don't lie. I heard everything."
Xavier's grip tightened


"Yes. Everything.."

"Why did you eavesdropped?"
I asked

"Because I'm curious why they want to take my Princess in the night."
He answered

"Take that off.."
He yanked my hand

"What?! No!"

"Why?! Because you like him?!"
He yelled

"No, Xavier I-"

"Don't you see, Y/n? I've been here for you first! Not him.. I'm the one who kissed you first!. Not him.. Y/n, I like you!! You don't get it?!" He yelled

"..Y-you like me?.."

"I've liked you first. Not Xiarlee.. But, me. Y/n."
He turned around and walked away. I feel stunned.

Xiarlee and Xavier, both like me?...




A/n-(How adorable~🤭)

H/n-(How Is it even adorable?😒)

A/n-(It is. Just wait~😌)

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