8: Sorry

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"F*ck this Sh*t!"
Xavier punched the locker

"Bro, why are you so mad?"
Axel asked him

"Ah- ahem.."
Xiarlee fake coughed

The boys turned around to see Xiarlee with a crossed arm

Axel gestured the others to go and scrammed away from the brothers


"What are you doing here, Xiarlee."
Xavier looked annoyed

"I was wondering how Yangyang got mad..Or perhaps jealous?" Xiarlee smirked

Xavier got mad and punched Xiarlee's face but was blocked by him just in time.

Xiarlee scoffed, "That's all you got?"

Xavier punched him with his other hand but got blocked my him again.
Xiarlee then yanked Xavier's both hands.

"Do you like Y/n?"


"So you do like her.. Just because of that bet?"
Xiarlee scoffed

"What a shame.."
Xiarlee scoffed again

Xavier gritted his teeth, unable to say anything.

"Why are you doing this?"
Xavier let out

"Doing what? Ohh~ You mean to Y/n?"
Xiarlee scoffed, "It's the way you should treat someone you like,right~? And besides.. She seemed to like me too.~"

"You like her don't you?"
Xavier glared

Xiarlee just smirked.

"Stay away from her."
Xavier glared

"Why? Because you like her and want her for yourself? No way.."
Xiarlee scoffed

Xavier glared even more,
"It's because the bet isn't over yet. And yes. I.Want.Her. So stay away."

Xiarlee smirked, "Mind if I join the bet?"

"You crazy? No.. It's between me and the boys." Xavier walked closer

"Suit yourself. No one's gonna stop me from getting her.."
Xiarlee turned around and left leaving Xavier mad



Liana called

Xiarlee walked in with Xavier behind him

Xiarlee waved as I looked at Xavier who glanced at me before going to the boys.

Xiarlee sat and I gave him the dessert.
Today's dessert are Apple Pies.

"Apple Pie, huh.."
He smiled

"Mm.. Take a bite."
I gestured

He then took a bite, "It's delicious."
He smiled

"I know right~ This baker needs a raise." I said

Then, Xiarlee raised his hand

"Whoever made this Pie needs a raise from me and Y/n!"
He shouted

Sure I don't mind that.

The students then cheered after Xiarlee talked

After chatting and eating together, we decided to go back to our dorms.

"Bye Y/n! Feel free to come at SC Office next time!"
Liana shouted

"I will! Bye!"

They then walked but not Xiarlee. Instead, he went closer to me and gently held my hand.

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