10: Hold on Tight

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/(End of School, 4:30)/


*Bell ring*

Lorelei clinged to my arm

"Let's go shopping!"
She shouted

"You're right. But, you don't have to shout.."
I chuckled

"You guys going for shopping?"
The boys asked

"Yeah. We didn't bring any dress. So we're shopping." Lorelei said

"What about you guys? We could go together. It would be fun.."
I ask them

"The more the merrier~!"
Lorelei exclaimed

"What do you think guys?"
Axel asked

"I'll go as long as my Princess is there~" Xavier said

"Well, I'm going."
Jayden pointed himself

"Me too!"
Leo smiled

"We'll all go.. Where do you plan to meet?"
Axel asked

"School garden."


/(School Garden)/

Lorelei and I then arrived with the boys waiting for us at the fountain.


"Hang on.. Where's your ride?"
They ask

"The taxi, obviously.."

"No, no, no.. I can't let my Princess do that. I'll give you a ride."
Xavier pointed himself

"No, I'll do it."
Leo argued

"I'll do it."

"No, I'll do it."

"No! Me!"


"Wo wo wo wo wo.. I have an Idea."
I then grabbed a stick and broke it to pieces.

"Whoever picks the shortest, will give me a ride."

"Jayden, back out?"
Leo looked at him

He nods while smiling

"I'll give Lorelei a ride."
He pulled her close

"That's what I thought."
Axel chuckled

They then picked each others sticks and showed it.

Axel got the longest.
Leo got the smaller one.

"Yes! Let's go!"
Leo yelled

"Hep hep hep! I didn't even showed mine~" Xavier showed his stick. It was even shorter than Leo's. I didn't remember breaking that short. He clearly cheated.

"That's impossible! You cheated!"
Leo yelled

"I did not. You're just jealous!"
Xavier yelled

"I obviously got the shortest! So I'll give her a ride!"
Leo yelled back

"No! It was me! I'll give her a ride!"

"You know what? I change my mind. Axel's giving me a ride."
I clinged my arm around his

Three of them shouted

"Hmph! That's what you get for yelling guys! Haha!"
Axel laughs

Two of them glared,
"Oh well.. Let's get going then. We don't want to be late for dinner." I said

All of us now are outside the gates with their motorcycles already parked outside.

Axel opened his trunk box and pulled out a spare helmet and gave it to me.
I didn't know how to use it so obviously, he helped me.

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