22: Fishy?

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A boy's voice was heard from the front as you, Xavier, was busy flirting with each other and stopped. Looking toward the boy who just spoke, seeing a completely unfamiliar senior in front, somewhat smirking while he looks at the couple. You flinched by the unexpected exclaim of your flirtatious boyfriend, "Nate!"


Name: Nate Prescott
Age: 23   Sex: Male
Year: 3rd Year
About him: Cousin of Xiarlee & Xavier, a total perv, handsome, has a habit of scratching everyone's arms, smart


Nate, who you presume his name, stepped aside avoiding your boyfriend's upcoming hug. Xavier spoke with a tone of disappointment, "Geez, you've been gone for months now, is it necessary to be this cold toward me? I missed you." It's sounds like he was drunk. Although you haven't seen him drunk yet. 'Tsk' was Nate's reply. Nate added, crossing his arms, "Missed me? Looks like you two were having fun just now."

Xavier pulls you close, curling his arm around your waist while smirking, "Can't we?" He asks.

Nate blows out a sigh, "I'm not saying you can't." He adds, adjusting his hand for a shake, "Anyways, Nate Prescott. Y/n right?" Accepting it without any word. "Yes, nice to meet you." You answer.

'They keep appearing'

After the shake, Xavier immediately asks his cousin. "Have you seen Xiarlee?" Nate, turns confused. Might say that that was unexpected coming from Xiarlee's enemy, his brother. "Xiarlee? I think I saw him outside with some SC's. They were, examining the Agri Students. They're almost done there, I think." Nate replies to Xavier question, was still confused.

Xavier nods, quickly grabbing your hand, "Right O! See ya, Coz'(Cousin)!" 

Arriving to the back garden at a distance, you saw few students talking to each other, quickly recognizing one of them. You raise up your hand but ended up raising it down. "They look busy. I think we should head back, Xavier." You turn to Xavier who still has his arm clinged onto your waist. "We had already gone this far. Why head back? Besides, it looks like they're-" Xavier was interrupted by a voice from behind, which startled you both. As you two at the same time look behind, a smile appears.

The one that interrupted was Friya. Who had just gotten back carrying a sack of whatever that was inside of it from the garden's basement. "Senior Friya, good afternoon." You greeted, bowing slightly with respect. Manners, your Dad's voice echoed to your ear as if he was here. Friya nods back before saying, "Are you perhaps looking for Xiarlee? Well, if it is then you would wait for some time 'cuz he was called. I don't know why but it looked serious, judging by his face. Do you mind that?" After she said that, both of you agreed and waited for a while on the garden's benches. It took just 5 minutes before Xavier spotted Xiarlee coming back.

As you stand up, you can't help but to feel something off. Xiarlee smiles, tilting his head to the side with his hands on his back, "Now what do I owe this couple for them to go here?" He says. Xavier felt awkward by his tone of change, maybe was just not used to this tone. Xavier shook his head then said, "Straight to the point, Xiarlee. We came to talk to the SC's."

Some time later, you had used up all your gathered up courage to talk to them. The SC's was utterly shocked. From what they had heard, they completely understand that you would feel this way. Although they had high hopes for their President to escort someone, they understand and respect your opinion. No one can resist Xavier, that's why.

Liana, "We understand Y/n, we clearly don't hold any grudge with you, really. Yes, we are saddened by that because we deeply care for President Xiarlee but still. I think you suit Xavier the most."

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