14: Welcome Part Pt. Final

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/(Time check- 8:13)/

"Do you really.."

"Like me back?"
Xavier opened the box to see a necklace that has a 'FM' letter on it.
Xavier waited for me to answer. It was hard. So many people watching us. It's so nerve-racking.
I turned to the stage and looked at Xiarlee who was watching us with a faint sad smile. He gave me a happy smile and nodded. He turned away after. Xiarlee let me go. Means that he cares for me. He wants me to be happy.

"I'll ask again, Y/n."
"Do you really like me?"

It is like this. I know it hurts. I understand Xiarlee.

"... Yes.."
I forced a smile.
Xavier stood up and hugged me tightly.
The people started cheering for us.
"Oh, Y/n. I'm so happy right now!"


Fiona watched from afar raging mad.
"Why y-!"

"Hep hep hep! NO ONE EVER DISTURB." Lorelei stopped Fiona

"That's my girl."
Jayden rubbed her head


It's always been like this. He always gets what he wants. Spoiled.
Xiarlee went to the backrooms and head outside to get some air.
The SC's followed.
They quickly went closer to him.

"Xiarlee.. Are you okay?"
Liana poked his shoulders
Xiarlee let out a chuckle, "I'm okay."
"You sure, bro?"
Kyle asked. They were all worried.
"Yeah. Tch. How stupid I am."
Xiarlee kicked some peddles away
"Just by your look, I could tell your sad and angry at the same time."
Friya said
"Sad? I've never seen Xiarlee so sad before." Kyle laid his elbow and Liana.
"I already knew it'll come."
Xiarlee looked up to the sky
"Already what? You mean, that proposal?!" Liana says
"It's not a proposal."

They all 'phewed'.
"I almost taught-"

"It's over."
Xiarlee then says

They were quiet for a moment.
".. Over? Bro.. The Xiarlee I know doesn't give up easily."
Kyle crossed his arms
"You can still do it, Xiarlee. We know you like Y/n."
Liana assumed

"I know. So I let her go. I want her to be happy." Xiarlee continued to stare at the night sky and sighed.
"Besides, maybe Y/n wasn't meant for me.. She's for him.."
He added

Kyle sighed, "If that's what you want. We won't force you."
Liana nodded
"I may not know Y/n clearly, but I think she hasn't chosen clearly yet. Maybe she forced herself." Friya said

"She clearly likes him most. Not me. She's just concerned about me. I already assured her."
Xiarlee assured
Fiona sighed,"If you say so."


/(Time check- 8:37)/

The Principal was now full of joy and also drunk. He seems to be happy to about what happened earlier. While all I could think of was Xiarlee. I talked to Liana and the others but they said he became busy and head back. I was worried about him. Xavier realized it and quickly comforted me saying we'll search for him after.

Tch. That brat. He completely made me worried about him. He is my brother anyways.

"Cheers to us! Cheers to Y/n and Xavier!"
Axel and the others raised their wine glasses while they are completely drunk.
I could clearly see the Principal sleeping on a table.
Of course as our parents warned, do not drink wine that much. So Lorelei and me avoided drinking too much. But Xavier, although he drunk too much wine, he wasn't even getting drunk.
I took a sip of my wine before Xavier stood up.
"Xavier, where are you going?"

"Follow me, Y/n."
He put his hands in his pockets. He looked kinda serious so I followed him. Gesturing Lorelei we'll be back soon.


Xavier and I went to the backroom and opened the backdoor which leads to the back of the School Hall.
We then saw Xiarlee sitting on a bench while staring high.

Xiarlee looked over us.
"Look, I'm not mad at you or anything. I'm just saying I'm happy for you."

".. We're worried about you.."
Xavier then says

Xiarlee's eyes widen. He swore he heard 'we'.
"I- I mean. Y/n's worried. About you."
Xavier corrected
"Don't lie. I heard it."
Xiarlee then looked back looking at the sky.
I hit Xavier's shoulder.

"I'm used to it by now.."
Xiarlee broke
"You always got what you wanted. You're like a spoiled kid. Oh, because you are one." He then adds
"Hey. I'm not spoiled."
Xavier corrects
"Sure you are. Just letting you know, I don't have any more intentions. You win." Xiarlee then stands
"Oh, and.. Don't give the bracelet back, Y/n. Think of it as a gift for you two."
He smiles before walking again.
I nodded in response.
Xavier didn't mind.


/(Time check- 8:40)/

After we got back, the sober ones and the Teachers cleaned up their mess and then walks away. Is it okay to go back now?
'Ha..Ha.. One more glass..'
The Principal mumbled

The chefs then arrives and began to clean up. I want to help but I was tired. Of eating. Two Teachers lift the Principal and carried him outside.

The other Teachers began to congratulate us.
"Congratulations, you two~"
"Yeah, wish I experienced that kind~"
"You are so lucky~"

We couldn't help but smile to them.
Does this mean we're gf and bf now?

I mean. We like each other.. So..

"Just letting you know that, that 'FM' means Forever Mine."

I turned to Xavier and 'Oh'd.
"You don't like it?"

"No, no. I.. Actually love it.."
I held the necklace while smiling at him. He blushed a little before turning away. "W-well, the party's over now.. We should go back." He cleared his throat

"What about the others?"
We glanced over the boys as Lorelei struggled to take Jayden off her.

"I'll just call over some available chefs to carry them all."
Xavier and I walked to them

I helped Lorelei take off Jayden.
"Phew. Thanks."
She smiled
"No problem."

"Go back?"
I nodded

Xavier called some chefs over and started carrying the boys.
While they were halfway far from us, Lorlerei ran to them. She forgot her phone was in his pocket.
How'd it get there.

Xavier and I turned at each other.
"Thanks for tonight, Xavier."
I smiled
"Your welcome."
He smiles back.
We stared for a while before he spoke.
"Am I not getting my goodnight kiss?"
He poked his cheek

He pokes it again
"Ohh, Uhh.."

I awkwardly placed a quick kiss on his cheeks. Standing almost on my tip- toes. He was obviously taller than me.

"There. Huh?"
He then quickly kisses my cheek too.

We smiled at each other before we kissed on the lips. Well, of course. Their are people still there. They all squealed.

We then said our goodbye's as me and Lorelei head back.




⚠️DON'T READ⬇️⚠️

H/n- Man. Wish we could do that.

A/n- Do what?

H/n- What they did.

A/n- Are you crazy?! I mean..

Yes.. I guess.. 🥴💅

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