21: Talk

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"Are you okay, Y/n? You look a little pale." Lorelei said after opening the door as you walk in. Laying your exhausted body from yelling on your bed. "What happened to your wrist?!" Lorelei yelled. "It's nothing, Lor. Just talked to someone. It turned out bad as I expected." You answered. "You want me to text Xavier about it?" She asked. "No! No. H-he's busy." You lied. Lorelei then sighed and let you rest for the night.


After changing, a notification was heard came from your phone. It was a voicemail from Xavier. You pressed it to play, "GooOoodd MmoOorningg my LOovely PrinceEesS~! Come down, I'm waiting for you downstairs!" He voice mailed. It almost hurt your eardrum but it made your day. You left the dorm smiling cut off by Fiona starring at you with a smirk before turning and leaving with her roommate. Aka minion. "What the hell was that?" Lorelei appeared beside you almost making you jolt.

As you went down, you seen Fiona being clingy around Xavier. Xavier looked disgusted and bothered. "Get away, pick me." He said pushing her away. "Excuse me, it's bad to flirt around someone's boyfriend especially infront of his girlfriend. So you might scoot over or go away." You say with a gesture of 'go away' with your hand. "Hmph!" Fiona just said then walked away. "Tch, Bitch. Anyways, let's go." You then wrapped your arm around Xavier's. "Hold on." He stopped, taking off your shoulder bag and putting it on his.

"Wow. My dearest best friend's getting her princess treatment everyday." Lorelei cheerfully say before someone tapped her on the shoulder making her jolt. Surprised, it was Jayden. Also here for his, ahem, girlfriend. Which is Lorelei. Aha. "Geez you scared me, Jayden. Why are you here?" Lorelei asked somehow expecting something. "What else? I'm here for my cute cupcake that's all. Let me help you." Jayden then took off her bag and intertwined his hands on hers. "Oh~ Cupcake's a nice nickname for you, Lor. Your favorite too." You smile, proud that the two of you have bf's now. Just like on your together goal list. "Now, shall we?"


Arriving at the canteen for breakfast, you immediately looked for Liam. "What wrong?" Xavier asks as you all lined up. "Nothing. Just seeing if our usual table isn't occupied." You return your gaze to Xavier with a smile. "Don't worry, I already informed all of them about it." Xavier then replies with a smile.

After getting your breakfast, you all sat happily and ate. The glances and the weird looks reduced by the days.

'Liam should be here now' you thought.

Usual chatting and eating before going to class, hoping this would be a normal day. After Liam announced the deal, the SC's now banned him from going inside or near their Office. You also apologized about it last night's dinner before the argument between you and Liam that time. You even asked to if they have spare work for a proper apology but they didn't want to. Also, after the welcome party, the SC's somehow are slightly distancing away from you..? It made you feel sad and guilty. Yes they would be like that because they thought you will end up to Xiarlee and they were very supportive of him. Considering they are workmates and also close friends.

'That reminds me. I only know 4 members of the SC.' You thought again

There's Xiarlee, Liana, Kyle and Friya.

After eating, you felt a little troubled because Liam wasn't there. In the Canteen.


You haven't talked to the SC's since that party so why not talk to them? You know being an SC is hard and they might be busy but, it's not hard to talk just for a minute, right? Just to make sure your connection to them is just, you know. Still.

"Xavier, you go ahead with the others. I have to go somewhere." Xavier somehow wants to be with you. "I can go by myself, Xavier. It's nothing important." You say again. This time he patted your head. "SC's Office, right?" He said, tilting his head a little with a smile. "How did you know?"  You ask. He constantly took your hand as you two walk up the 3rd Floor.

After awkwardly walking, you finally reached to the Office, where you two stand infront of the door. Knocking. An unfamiliar student opened it, which could be another SC.

"Welcome to SC's Office! How may I help you?" A cheerful boy with silver-white hair held the door.

"Ah, are you the only one here?"

He quickly replies, pushing you inside. "No! I'm not alone!" Seeing two more unfamiliar students.

"The one with the files, she's Mira! And over there admiring through the window, he's Dwane! And the most cheerful, me! Mile!"


Name: Mira Sheen
Age: 24 Sex: Female
Year: 4th Year
About her: SC Officer, Secretary, has a temper, "study first", pretty, smart, pretty writing

Name: Dwane Gil
Age: 24 Sex: Male
Year: 4th Year
About him: SC Officer, Auditor, perv, handsome, always admiring cute girls, serious (most of the time)

Name: Mile Miercee
Age: 24 Sex: Male
Year: 4th Year
About him: SC Officer, P.I.O, happy as always, very cheerful(like his lil sis), Liana's older brother, handsome, active


Not what you expected. "Uhh, H-hi everyone." You said in the silence.
Xavier well, quickly sensed your nervousness. "Excuse us, seniors. We're looking for-" Cut off by Mile.
"Your brother, I suppose." Mile finishes. You two nodded as Mira adjusted her glasses and spoke, "They're at the back garden with the Agri students. It's there schedule for the checking." Her attention spotted you. "Are you the girl that gold-haired boy announced yesterday?" She asks. Interested. "Um, yes. I am." You said, nodding.

Dwane's eyes lit up  quickly handshaking you, "Oo~Congratulations! You'll be-" He was hit now by a pile of papers which flew all over the Office. "What the heck is wrong with you, Dwane?!" So, Mira was the one who threw it. "What? What's wrong?" Dwane looked around completely clueless of what's, you know.

"They're a COUPLE, Dwane." Mile pointed out with a sigh. Mira sighs, "Of course you're clueless because you're always distracted from the new 1st Year students. Sorry 'bout that, Xavier. And um.."

"Y/n." You finished. "Oh right, Y/n. So, both of you are looking for the President. And, we have a lot to do right now so just go to the right and you'll see stairs leading down and you'll see the first door down, open it and it'll lead to the back garden where the President and the others are." Mira instructs. They are busy, alright. Now with this mess. "Thank you very much. Have a nice afternoon." You bowed slightly and left the Office with Xavier giggling when you heard Mira shouting over the big mess ordering the boys to clean it up.

Girls are the BOSS this days.

"They were very friendly." You say, making Xavier snort. "Friendly? That Dwane guy almost made me want to punch him. 'Congratulations~' my foot." He mocked. You nudged him from the rib as he chuckle. "It's a joke, okay? Like I said, you're mine. Now let's hurry up." That is right. Let's go talk to them. Let's shoo aside the nervousness and think positive.

"Fancy seeing you two here."

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