18: S-Surprise

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After you explained more about your past, Mrs. Prescott still hasn't stopped crying. Having to say that made you feel more protected but it was also a little bit of uncomfortable for you to say that to people. Only your relatives and Assirya Family knows about it. It includes the Prescott's now. Xavier and Xiarlee's face was full of worry and concern. They had 0% of knowing about your past. But not now. It was about 90% that they know. 10% was missing. Mr. Prescott however had a face of a serious one and a little bit of concern in his face while his hands were crossed to each other.

Mr. Prescott shot a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, that problem is now handled. There's no backing out."
Your Dad scratched his head with a troubled smile, he really wants you to be and the family protected but this..
"Thanks for all the help, CEO Xilvian. We appreciate it. But you don't have to assign your own son to be my daughter's bodyguard." Mrs. Prescott sniffed. Xavier after hearing this said aloud, "The most Handsome son of the Prescott will never Disappoint!" Xiarlee glared, "We get it, YangYang. Sit down." You almost couldn't contain your chuckle but you held it in, thankfully. "We are Mafia's. We can handle assassins. IF they are trained professionally." Mr. Prescott shot a look at the two before looking back at your Dad.

Your concerned about one thing. Since you moved back here, you haven't felt anything strange and danger. Are they still planing to catch you? Or, they gave up? Honestly, why you of all people. You know why they get pretty envious about your family but, do they ever get tired? They've failed many times but still kept going. Envy is such a dangerous thing once it's no longer controlled.

"They are really disappointing.(The ones who kept wanting to catch you)"
Mr. Prescott sighed. "That's why we choose carefully of what we'll invest in and what business partners to choose. We saw all the achievements your Company made all the years. Your such a hardworking and an honest one we've seen so far. Most we found just wanted our money and fame." Mr. and Mrs. Prescott sighed deeply. It's difficult to run a company.

After an hour and a half, you all said your goodbyes and went home with a half happy and tired feeling. Your happy because of the Prescott's. Your tired because of talking and eating. You almost fell asleep in the car when your Mom shaked you to lose your tiredness. "Mom, I'm tired. Can I get some sleep." Your Mom clicked her tongue, "You don't wanna see a surprise, darling?" Boom, your tiredness somehow jolted away. "S-Surprise? What surprise, Mom?"
Your Mom smiled, "Just wait till we get home, alright? And, don't sleep. We're already close." You sighed deeply and just looked over the window as the tiredness slowly goes in again. You were about to sleep when the car stopped.

Oh, that was fast.

A servant opened the door as you all came out. A guard went in the car and parked it. One thing catched your eye. Is this the surprise? A helicopter? Really? You thought. 2 bodyguards were guarding it as they stand still. Do they ever sit? You thought again.

As the r with an excited smile. You gasped when you immediately recognized. You threw yourself happily to the man and hugged him tight. Your Parents chuckling behind.

"Liam!!" You yelled out.


Name: Liam Veldien
Age: 22 Sex: Male
Year: 2nd Year
About him: Your Childhood Boy Best Friend, Kind, Hot, Flirty, Handsome


You throw yourself to him and hugged each other tightly. You haven't seen him for 10 years since he and his parents moved out to Europe for business. Liam patted your head as you pulled away, "Gosh I missed you, Cupcake." You chuckled happily. Your Mom and Dad stood behind you,enjoying watching. "Is this the surprise?" You asked. Your Mom happily nodded and said, "Liam and his parents arrived yesterday. He wanted to come here this morning but we suggested we'll surprise you after this long exhausting day. Did it somehow worked?"

"You kidding? Yes, it worked. I'm so happy to see you again, Liam!" Liam chuckled showing off his cute dimple while smiling. "Oh, and one more. Liam would be transferring tomorrow. So there's 100% chance you'll see each other every school day." Your Mom added. Your heart pounding of excitement. "Yay!" You exclaimed. Such a very nice surprise after this. You thought.

Liam, stayed for an hour then went home after. You weren't exactly sad because their mansion is few blocks away from yours. You can't wait to see Liam tomorrow.

You packed up some things before they drove you back. You showered and quickly changed before you slept. You told Lorelei about the surprise and she was not happy. She didn't liked Liam. Although you said a dozen of times, he was a nice guy. But somehow she felt different around him. Liam also didn't liked Lorelei too.
They always had fight whenever they see each other. Now after 10 years, you hoped they've changed.

Before you could get your sleep, your phone vibrated. Xavier texted you.

<Xavier>: Hey, my beautiful Princess!~ You must be really really tired so, sleep tight and be ready tomorrow, okay? Good night!~ (kissing emoji)

You smiled and texted goodnight back before you lay your phone down to the bedside cabinet. You yawned tiredly as your eyes shut.


'What if Xavier hates Liam?'

Your eyes shut open.

Not now..

'Oh my.. What if they'll start a fight tomorrow?'

Ughh. Stupid brain. Not now, please.

'What if-'




"What'd you just say, Y/n?"





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