Chapter 5 - The Bodyguard

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After that glamourus exchange Yauros Haladin invited Wilhelm and Captain Aires into his home, they then proceeded to have a banquet in honour of the Prussian guests.

"I thank you for your immense hospitality Mr Haladin but do you know why we came here?" Wilhelm asked, worried. 

"Oh of course, to annex our town for your new kingdom." Yauros said while munching into a chicken wing. "Well I neither want any bloodshed or have any plans for resistance. I am quite happy for Haven to become a part of Prussia. As long as I remain Mayor of course."

"I can work with that." Wilhelm said before eating some turkey. "You have demonstrated that you are willing to submit, as long as you can gurantee your loyalty I think your position could be an advantage to me." Yauros noded as he, Wilhelm and Aires finished their meals. Wilhelm noticed then a chair next to him that was empty. "Excuse my boldness but was someone else meant to be attending with us?" Yauros sighed before nodding.

"Yes." He confirmed. "My daughter, Sarina, did not wish to attend. Despite my insistance.

"With all due respect sir, who old is your daughter?" Captain Aires asked.

"18 years of age Captain." Yauros responded.

"Ah that explains it. Teenagers often find dinners and social events, 'akward'. Wilhelm was the same when he was Sarina's age." Aires remarked.

"Was he now?" Then Yauros and broke out laughing. Wilhelm was quite annoyed, then he pointed at Aires.

"YOU!" Everyone stopped laughing and grew quite afraid by Wilhelm's threatening demenour. "Are as bad as Mary!" Wilhelm exclaimed. But Aires broke out into laughter again and rolled about on the floor in laughter. Yauros had no idea who Mary was but he laughed away with Aires nonetheless , leaving Wilhelm to sulk at his chair. "Scheisse." He muttered. 

"Please don't be displeased my lord." Yauros said. "You will do alot for this country and this town, I know it. As a parting gift I wish to rename this port town from Haven to... Wilhelmshaven." Wilhelm was stunned, would someone name an entire town after him. But he was somewhat pleased with the name of an important city from his homeworld. 

"Yauros, are you sure!?" Wilhelm asked hastily. 

"Of course! Consider it a gesture of my loyalty, it would not do well if one to rebel in a city bearing your own name would it?" Wilhelm shook his head in agreement. "Anyway, I always thought the name 'Haven' could do with something else to it. Then everyone laughed in response and laughed heartily until the day's end. Wilhelm and Aires would spend the night at  Yauros' house. However, Wilhelm did not see Serina. Apparently she came home late and woke up early. When asked for her motives Yauros said that she is a master of the sword and trained in the kingdom of Japan. Obviously this kingdom was different than the country from Wilhelm's homeworld but still retained Japanese attire, customs etc. Wilhelm was a bit frustrated as he wanted to meet Serina before returning to Berlin. 

"Where can I find Serina Yauros?" Wilhelm asked. 

"Oh she's normally in the market square trying to earn some money." Yauros stated, Wilhelm looked puzzled. "Something about independace or something? Plus she wants to do what she loves, swordsmanship. I did offer her a job working for me but she refused." 

"It doesn't surprise me." Aires remarked, Wilhelm shot him a glance but Aires chuckled. Wilhelm sighed. He then excused himself, put on his greatcoat and exited the town hall. 

"Shouldn't he have an escort captain?" Yauros asked, concerned. 

"Not to worry sir, Wilhelm can take care of himself." Aires said confidently. Meanwhile Aires was making his way across town, soldiers of the occupation force saluted him as he passed, not knowing who he was looking for. He shortly made his way to the market place, there were alot of market stalls however he spotted who he was looking for. Serina was wearing a white Kimono and was in the centre of the market square. Despite this, no one was visiting her stall. She was slicing up fruits with almost perfect precision. 

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