Chapter 8 - Divine Intervention

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Serina and Wilhelm were still travelling back to Prussia from Visea. They were both sound asleep, but Wilhelm's evening would be alot more important than Serina's. As Wilhelm snoozed his dreamscape quickley flashed and Wilhelm found himself in a blazing white void. Not very good for his eyes that were acustomed to the dark. Wilhelm wiped his eyes and looked around.

"Great." Wilhelm said sarcastically. "Where the heck am I now." 

"Not anywhere you came from." Said a femenine voice that echoed out. Wilhelm drew his scimitar sword as a glowing femenine figure flashed into existence. 

"Greeting noble travel

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"Greeting noble travel... aaahh!" The woman screamed as Wilhelm impaled her with his sword. "Ooow! That hurt! You should know better than to stick those things inside people!" She then waved her hand, it glowed, and her wound was healed  

"My apologies but I don't tend to trust women who invade my dreams." Wilhelm said mockingly.

"You have balls." The lady smiled. "I like a man who has courage. I am Andarta, second to God, and I take charge of this world for him."

"Andarta, name of the Gaulish goddess of War and Victory." Wilhelm said and he sheathed his sword. 

"Indeed, you know your history. That's why I had you come to this world." Andarta revealed. 

"Then I thank you for it, my life was terrible prior." Wilhelm remarked. 

"As I recall, you were an office bum struggling to make ends meet." Andarta said. Wilhelm sneered when he remembered who he once was. "I've brought you here for a second chance, as I have done with others." 

"Why wait so long? When I came here I was but a baby." Wilhelm asked.

"I wanted you to get an understanding of this world." Andarta responded.

"What do you want Andarta?"

"I want my world to emerge from under the Visean thumb and free of the tyranical cultisim of their church." The angel said. "I've been watching you for a long time. I have decided that you will be the one to free this world and bring it to glory. All who live in Prussia have their quality of life increased under your rule. Asquith is rid of slavery, Berlin has expanded and Haven has a new name that it's citizens are proud of. Not to mention the people along side you." She then started to walk away. "You may have your German empire and I shall bring you the personel, the victories and my favour to make you succeed."

"I need a second in command!" Wilhelm shouted. "A chancellor." 

"You shall have them. And an old freind perhaps?" Andarta proposed. 

"You're too kind." Wilhelm thanked.

"I'll send one of my people with them. They'll all get a vision or something bla bla bla. They know that you know everything and that you need their assisstance." Andarta said. "Now I can't stay long Serina is trying to wake you up." 

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