Chapter 32 - Reunion

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Wilhelm was in his staff car following the 12th infantry division, travelling towards the Persian city of Troyre. Wilhelm and his entourage stopped at the German camp and Colonel Gneisenau saluted as Serina and Wilhelm climbed out of the staff car, its paint glistening in the sun. The Colonel gestured to a large tent as he walked beside the Kaiser and his bodyguard. 

"My Kaiser, we have camped just outside of the enemy town in preparation for a forward assault. In front of us are a number of fields and large pastures of farmland, inbetween us and the city." the colonel reported as the group entered the tent. Watching them was Freida, now promoted to Colonel herself of her own Cavalry regiment, Teila having promoted her after the battle of the Seigfried line. She debated going inside but there was no need: the Colonel said that he had everything handled. Freida would find her lover after the battle. Back inside the tent the Kaiser had taken off his helmet with the Imperial eagle perched on its top and put it on his desk, now was the time for planning. 

"Colonel, have our artillery take up positions on the hills on our flanks. Have our Hussars do the same. In the middle form up our infantry with our stormtroopers as the vanguard. Send out some Jaegers ahead of the army to scout the city, and have our commandos behind our infantry to reinforce them. Gneisenau clicked his heels and exited, and in turn General Aires took his place, wearing his cabinet uniform.

The Kaiser stood up and ordered everyone apart from the General to vacate the tent as AIres was about to brief the Kaiser

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The Kaiser stood up and ordered everyone apart from the General to vacate the tent as AIres was about to brief the Kaiser.

"General, what news?" Wilhelm questioned.

"Leonidas and the Spartan's have arrived on the southern half of the border and are attacking the Persians in the desert." Aires reported.

"I can't imagine having to run and fight in the bleeding heat." Wilhelm remarked. 

"Indeed." Aires agreed. "The Imperial Chancellor reports that he and his cabinet are beginning to draft more soldiers into the armed forces. An estimated three million soldiers alone are expected to inflow into the army by the end of the year."

"Three million!" Wilhelm asked in surprise, he could hardly believe that figure.

"Indeed your majesty. It would be a great opportunity to promote some of our more capable officers. Speaking of which, Colonel Clauswitz and his division are meeting successes in the North." Aires stated.

"Very good General." Wilhelm congratulated. "Is there anything else?" 

"Indeed sir." Aires hesitated. "I am struggling to both do my duties as General of the Heer and Defense minister of the Wehrmacht." Wilhelm grew worried at this, he did not want to lose a good officer early on in the war. "I humbly recommend you seperate the two positions."

"I see, I can understand it can be difficult to do both. Especially when you need to be at the OKW headquaters in Berlin to perform this role." Wilhelm concluded. "Well Aires, which position would you liked to be relieved from?"

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