Chapter 20 - Pact Of Steel

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Wilhelm and Serina had just arrived one of the most busiest construction sites along the Persian border. The Imperial Guard dismounted their bikes and assumed formation around the Kaiser and his bodyguard. Wilhelm's greatcoat flowed behind him as he found his way across the dusty sight, trucks and labourers rushing about ferrying materials back and forth. Wilhelm eventually found a sentry from the Heer and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Soldatin, where is your commanding officer?" Wilhelm asked the stunned soldier.

"M-my Kaiser! The Colonel is just over there." The shaken soldier stuttered.

"Thank you soldier, keep up the good work." Wilhelm said encourgingly, patting the soldier on the back.

"Yes sir!" The soldier replied in the same manner. Wilhelm then marched his way to a busy Colonel directing labourers with the assistance of the foreman.

"Colonel, are you the commanding officer here?" Wilhelm asked.

"Oh my! My Kaiser! Good to see you sir. I am Colonel von Paulus, commander of all forces along the siegfried line. This is quite a surprise, I was not informed of your visit." Paulus remarked. Colonel Friedrich von Paulus was a thin man, human although adopted by a cat faunus family. They taught him patience and how to wait for the opportunity to strike. His background combined with his apt military expertise saw Paulus rise through the ranks until he filed a promotion request to Defense Minister General von Aires. Aires reveiwed his request and decided to make political capital out of the opportunity and promoted Paulus to Colonel of the 5th Army division. Paulus' faunus upringing since has encouraged more faunus to enlist in the Army. Paulus also earned the Knights cross, now with the added prestige of having 'von' in his name upon aquiring the accolade.

"No you wouldn't have been Colonel. It is of no fault of your own, I was just passing through and I wanted to inspect the progress of the construction." Wilhelm informed as he and Paulus glanced at a bunch of labourers were pouring concrete into the frame for a large pillbox.

"Well sir, we are making good progress. I decided to oversee the construction personally and tasked some of my soldiers to fetch and carry to allow the skilled labourers to do their job." Paulus informed.

"Very good Colonel. That is exactly the kind of attitude required since these defences will protect the reich from surprise attacks from Persia." Wilhelm said.

"Surprise attacks sir? Are we at war with Persia?" Paulus asked, confused.

"No, be we probably will be soon." Wilhelm said, looking off into the distance. Towards the plains of Persia. Wilhelm turned and saw Paulus looking at him worried. "Anyways, carry on Colonel. When can we expect the fortifications to be completed?"

"Oh um, in about four months your majesty." Paulus stated.

"Very good, carry on Colonel." Wilhelm said, and saluted Paulus which was requited. Wilhelm, along with Serina, returned to his staff car and drove away from the site with the motorbike escort. A few soldiers saluting as he drove away.

The staff car and the escort was driving through the city of Essen, a place where Persian travelers often stopped to trade their goods in exchange for German ones, Wilhelm saw large crowds near a raised platform area.

"Driver, drive that way." Wilhelm commanded as he pointed. The driver did as he instructed.

"What is it my Kaiser?" Serina asked.

"I want to see what all the fuss is about." Wilhelm explained. When the car could go no further Wilhelm got out and walked over to the edge of the crowd and he finally saw what all the fuss was for. There was a man and he was standing next to, a train?

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