Hidden Nightlife & Good Drinks

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"I can't choose."

Mili only chuckled, "You have to—food, entertainment, or nightlife," she said as we walked toward the SUV.

Dinner had just ended—and the amount of art that they put out on display was amazing.

Now Mili wanted to take me somewhere else—the only issue was that she wanted me to choose a category.

I sighed slightly, "Nightlife sounds interesting," I said, knowing that I wondered what spot she'd take me to.

Mili raised a brow, "I didn't expect you to choose that one," she said, opening the SUV door for me.

"Glad I could surprise you," I joked, walking past her to slide into the backseat of the SUV.

Mili slid in behind me before leaning toward the front to speak to the driver who had the barrier down.

I leaned back in my own seat, buckling my seatbelt as she told him the address to the next place.

I tried to eavesdrop, but with her hushed tone, I didn't seem to actually make out what she said.

Hopefully, we're going somewhere that isn't as cliché as a bar or club.

I curiously peeked out of the tinted windows, furrowing my brows as I looked at the buildings lining the streets.

All there seemed to be were restaurants and bars that had lines out the door and onto the sidewalks.

The people seemed to practically vibrate high energy—clearly excited to bask in this Saturday night at one of the numerous bars occupying this downtown street.

Others seemed to be waiting on their table for the couple of restaurants that had an extensive wait time.

A small gasp fell from my lips when my door suddenly opened, allowing me to lock eyes with Mili who seemed to have already gotten out of the car.

Was I really zoned out for that long?

"All these bars have lines," I said, grabbing Mili's extended hand as I slid down and out of the backseat.

Mili only hummed as we walked down the street littered with sober and drunk people, "That's a great observation, Ati," she teased me, letting go of my hand and sliding her arm around my waist.

The action alone seemed to send a warmth radiating throughout my body.

Walking with her like this felt like we were every other couple out on a Saturday night in LA.

It felt nice.

I furrowed my brows when she guided us into one of the restaurants.

We already had dinner, why would she—

But my thoughts were cut short when the woman at the hostess podium said, "Mili, welcome back."

I tilted my head as Mili nodded at her, passing everyone who was waiting at the front of the restaurant, and even the people seated at their tables throughout the large room.

Within seconds we were walking towards the bathrooms, but instead of heading into them, Mili guided us back to a door that read Employees Only.

"Mili," I whisper-yelled, clearly not trying to head back to the kitchen or break room.

But Mili only remained quiet, continuing to guide us down the long dimly lit hallway that soon led to a set of stairs.

I couldn't help but grow even more confused as we descended the dark stairs—where a man seemingly stood by a set of curtains.

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