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I used up a lot of my energy today.

Not like I had much to begin with,

I couldn't really sleep.

But today I was able to give the gifts I bought to my friends.

It seemed to make them happy

It even led me to believe I'm not as bad of a friend as I thought I was.

I think Chan and Hyunjin felt guilty though.

They're the only ones who really know what goes on with me, even if it's not voluntarily most of the time.

I hate to be a burden, but things sometimes get too much and it becomes apparent in the way I act.

I'll work on it though.

I always do.

I have to give it my all so when the time comes my friends can rely on me without having to worry about me.

For the time being though, the gifts I bought will have to do.

It took a little more effort to be cheery in front of them today, but I think it was convincing.

As long as they're happy I'm happy.

And I'm willing to give everything in me to see them happy.

I sometimes wonder if anyone would ever do the same for me...

. . .

Probably not.


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