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Its the day after our hang out.

Today school was...


I mean I wasn't even really there.

Not when those four boys decided they wanted to 'visit.'

They said they needed the notes.

They told me I should be honored they even asked for me to give it to them.

But I wasn't honored.

Not one bit.

I told them no.

Big mistake.

I still remember what they told me.






In the end I was left with
bruises, a bloody nose,
and a cut lip.

And after they left, I didn't have the energy to get up anymore.

I really couldn't say how long I stayed there.

Could've been 10 minutes,

Or it could've been 2 hours.

All I know is that when I found the energy again I left.

I went home and didn't look back.

Not even when my friends texted me, wondering why I wasn't in class.

It's not like I was really missed.

And a walk home was what I needed.

No distractions.

Just me alone.

With my thoughts.

Once I had made it home its like every emotion from the day hit me at once.

I cried for what felt like hours.

The house was empty.

It's not like anyone would've heard me.

I just wanted a release.

And that's what I got.

I made my way to my room and locked it.

I had no intentions of leaving.

And my bed looked so safe.

But the bathroom door was wide open.

And there were so many thoughts.

In that moment it was like gravity took a hold of me.

And suddenly I was alone in the bathroom.

With a blade in my hand.

And there was no one there to stop me.

Not even myself.

So when the coolness of the metal hit my arm,

I was okay.

Because in the end I knew I deserved it.




10 new notifications

Chan hyung: hey
Chan hyung: I know you're not in class
Chan hyung: I hope you're okay it's not like you to skip
Chan hyung: just know I'm here to talk ok? I'll see you at lunch with Jinnie right?

Jinnie: innie where are you?
Jinnie: I got the math homework for you
Jinnie: you can tell me what's wrong later yeah?

Freckles: you didn't meet me and hyunjin in class :(

Min: oi jeongin, jisung said you're not in class you ok?

JISUNG (squirrel twin) : you left us aloneee :(( you owe me a snack for this!



A/n: thank you for over 200 reads <3 knowing that some lovely people liked my story enough to keep reading means a lot :)
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 💛💛💛

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