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My eyes fluttered open only for me to see an unfamiliar setting.

It's too white.

The lights are too bright.

Im in the hospital.

It was eerily quiet, other than the monitors.

I look to my side and stare at my vital signs.

I'll be okay.

My eyes started to travel.

They land on the windows.

It looks to be midnight.

It looks so peaceful.


How long had I been here?

There's a squeak at the door.

I turn to see a female nurse dragging in some trays of food.

My stomach twists at the sight.

She looks up and meets my eyes.

"Oh! You're awake! My name is sana, I'm your personal nurse. I'll be back shortly with the doctor. Would you like me to inform your guests?"

I want to say no.

But my both reacts before my mind can.

"Yes... please..."

My voice sounded so crackly and ugly.

So dead.

She smiled at me and nodded her head, leaving me alone once more.

I shiver.

Still, after everything you think I would get used to the chill I feel everywhere I go.

Perks of being skinny I guess...

But what if that's not what they see?

What if they just see me as the sick friend?

I don't think I could handle the pity.

What will they say?

Will they say I'm worthless like everyone else?

Will they scold me like a little kid?

Will they be angry enough to hit me like dohyun and his friends...?

What will they say?

Will my recovery really mean that much to them?

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